Interview Assignment Select a person whose life was affected by the child welfar


Interview Assignment
Select a person whose life was affected by the child welfar

Interview Assignment
Select a person whose life was affected by the child welfare system:
• A person who grew up in foster care
• A parent whose child was in the foster care system
• A person whose child was surrendered to the child welfare system
• A person who was adopted
• An adoptive parent
• Someone else approved by the Professor
The narrative must have:
A beginning – and Introduction, i.e., why are you interviewing this person and how did
you identify this person;
A middle – the actual narrative
A conclusion – how do you sum up the interview
Ask the following questions:
• Can you please tell me how your life was affected by the child welfare system?
• How long were you in the system?
• What were the positive and negative experiences of being affected by the
• Was there any situation while you were in the system that stands out for you?
• Was there a social worker in the system that is memorable to you and why?
• What else did I not ask you that you would like to say?
The paper must conclude with – what did you as a student learn from this assignment?  


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