Write a group proposal that includes the following elements: 1.    Group Topic a


a group proposal that includes the following elements:
1.    Group
Topic a

a group proposal that includes the following elements:
1.    Group
Topic and Rationale for Group Proposal: Describe your topic. What need are
you addressing, or what skill are you teaching?
2.    Describe
the research that supports your proposal. (minimum 5 pages) You will
select at least four published APA articles dealing with group counseling.
The articles can be a theoretical review, a report on research, or a
description of practice. However, it must be from a scholarly published
source (see list below for recommended journals) and should be a current
article (within the last three years). Websites may not be used as
3.    Summarize
the articles.
4.    Describe
how they relate to the course material. What are the implications for
counseling? How will this information inform your group proposal design? Are
there social justice concerns that need to be addressed?
5.    A
critique of the articles. What appears missing in the article, or what
questions have the articles raised for you after reading and thinking about
the information?
The following sources are well-regarded
professionally and feature quality research and practice:
Dynamics: Theory, Research, & Practice
Journal of Group Psychotherapy            
Group Worker
for Social Action in Counseling & Psychology 
of Counseling & Development   
of Multicultural Counseling & Development     
for Specialists in Group Work              
School Counseling
6.    Discuss
the objectives of your group.
Group Composition: What is the group
composition (e.g., gender, age, specific issue)?
8.    Recruitment:
How you will recruit members for your group. If you create a flyer, include
it as an appendix.
9.    Screening:
How will you screen and select your group members? Attach screening tools as
an appendix.
10. Frequency
and Duration of the Group: What is the frequency and duration of
your group (e.g., each Monday for 1.5 hours for 8 weeks)?
11. Group
Process and Content: Which theoretical approach will you utilize for your
group? Describe each
stage of the group process. What topics will you cover in each
session? What materials and resources are required?
You may also reference your journal articles here.
12. Evaluation: How
will you evaluate the effectiveness of your group? Will you have a
questionnaire or exit interviews? Include an appendix (after the reference
section) with a sample of your evaluative tool.  Will you follow up with parents or teachers
on a particular expected change?
13. Reflection:
Reflect on what the experience of completing this assignment was like for
you. What did it teach you? How will this impact your professional goals
moving forward?


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