1st using your “modern economy” stock, use a reputable website, such as the Yaho


1st using your “modern economy” stock, use a reputable website, such as the Yahoo Finance website. to collect the data of the SP500 for the same time period, and then answer the two questions below.
Q1 use the correlation tool within excell ( or any other software program, such as python ) to compute the correlation between your modern economy stock & the SP 500 over the whole time period of data collected ( i.e use all data collected ) Q2 use the data of the first ten days of this year for the data of your modern economy stock and the SP 500 ( use ticker SPY), and compute the correlation by hand ( i.e. using the formulas from module two’s main lecture notes )
NOTE: you may submit your solutions as an excell file, or paste into another document such as word/pdf where you can add some nice written dialog to explain your solutions. However, if you do use just excell please BOLD your solutions and/or type in some text dialog to explain which solutions are where in the excel file


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