The rough draft of your Classroom Management Plan should include sections 1-3. P


The rough draft of your Classroom Management Plan should include sections 1-3. Post your rough draft of your Classroom Management Plan.
Select two of your classmates’ drafts to review and reply that you will complete a peer review. (No more than two reviewers per draft.)
After you have reviewed each draft, complete a “Peer Review Worksheet” for each. Return the completed “Peer Review Worksheet” as a “reply” to the initial post of your classmate’s draft.
You need to have a Cover Page
You need to have a  Table of Contents Page
Part 1 Statement of Professionalism- You are going to take your reflection on professionalism and turn it into your statement of professionalism. 
Part 2: You are going to take your engagement slide and turn it into your statement of engagement. Tell me why engagement is important in the classroom and provide 3 examples of how you will engage your students.
Part 3: You will take your reflection from the week 3 assignment and tell me how you will manage your class using the behavior models and management models in our reading this week. 
I will uploade my assignments that you will turn into a statment
Review the two peer view sheet which will be uploaded as well.


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