The twentieth century was a time of remarkable progress in human health. The ger


The twentieth century was a time of remarkable progress in human health. The ger

The twentieth century was a time of remarkable progress in human health. The germ theory of
disease combined with the science of epidemiology made it possible to control or eradicate a
number of deadly diseases for the first time in human history. Smallpox, yellow fever, cholera
and bubonic plague all disappeared from view, and have largely been forgotten by most people
in Europe and the United States. The twenty-first century, however, is starting to look very
different. SARS spread quickly in 2003, Ebola killed thousands in 2014, antibiotic resistant
bacteria are evolving faster than new antibiotic drugs, and COVID-19 continues to inflict a high
mortality toll, as well as disrupting social and economic life across the United States. Do you
believe the remainder of the twenty-first century will see more deadly outbreaks like this? If so,
why? What is contributing to these global health trends and why are twentieth century public
health programs no longer effective?
Be sure to include discussion of specific readings and other materials in your answer, DO NOT USE OUTSIDE RESOURCES!!!! Only use the material i have provided to this assignment. I have attatched many souces, feel free to juse thoe ones that only benefit you and cite them properly. I have also attahced a word document with additional sources. 


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