In this task, you will analyze the data set provided via the attached “Data Set


In this task, you will analyze the data set provided via the attached “Data Set

In this task, you will analyze the data set provided via the attached “Data Set Assignment Form” by       reporting summative proficiency scores for students, explaining the method used to determine those scores, and disaggregating the data based on student subgroups. Then, you will evaluate the data to draw conclusions about individual student and whole-class proficiency, aberrant patterns or outliers, and student learning at the subgroup level.
A.  Analyze the assessment data from the attached “Data Set Assignment Form” by doing the followig:
1.  Submit a table reporting an overall summative proficiency score for each student for the measurement topic.
2.  Explain how the summative proficiency scores in part A1 were determined.
3.  Disaggregate the data according to student subgroups.
B.  Evaluate students’ summative scores by doing the following:
1.  Draw conclusions about student learning based on patterns of scores at the individual student and whole-class level.
2.  Draw conclusions about any outliers or aberrant patterns present in the data set at the individual student level.
3.  Draw conclusions about student learning at the subgroup level based on the disaggregated       data. 
PLEASE Acknowledge sources, using APA-formatted in-text citations and references, for content that is quoted, paraphrased, or summarized.


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