Write a essay, 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 Times New Roman or equivalent to a


Write a essay, 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 Times New Roman or equivalent to a

Write a essay, 1.5 line spacing, font size 12 Times New Roman or equivalent to answer the following question:
What is love according to Augustine?
You must engage at least one other secondary source from the course reader. ( The Secondary source is the 04 Gregory PDF I submitted. The Primary source is the confessions I submitted as well.)
Write the question that you wish to answer in your essay as the title. In your introduction, clearly specify your thesis statement and the structure of your essay. For the thesis statement it has to be in a format where you say “In this essay we will be answering the question …”
You are not allowed to use any other sources other than what I have submitted. It has to be a close reading and there has to be a lot of citations. When you cite you can just write the page number and which paragraph it was in please.


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