Please use the given excel sheet and data analysis to formulate the given tables


Please use the given excel sheet and data analysis to formulate the given tables

Please use the given excel sheet and data analysis to formulate the given tables and graphs all instructions are provied. 
1) Use subheadings, so that the overall statistical results for each analysis may be reported
clearly and separately. Results must be reported in paragraph form, using complete sentences.
2) For each variable tested, report summary statistics in a table (means, standard deviation
[SD] values, and sample sizes [n]), and report in sentence form the results of our
statistical analyses (including P-values). Clearly state your statistical conclusions (i.e., is
there a significant difference between/among the compared means? If so, in what way do
the compared means differ?). You should include two tables, one reporting mean, SD,
and n for the cardiovascular variables analyzed before and after acute exercise, and one
reporting mean, SD, and n for the cardiovascular variables compared among the low,
medium, and high chronic exercise groups. Each table should be numbered sequentially
and referred to in the text of your Results section.
3) Provide a separate figure for each analysis. Each figure should be numbered sequentially
and referred to in the text of your Results section. You should have 7 figures total (i.e., 7
box-and-whisker plots) as specified in the Lab Report Analysis Instructions Sp24.pdf
handout. Be sure to select the following options for your box-and-whisker plots in Excel
(right-click and select Format Data Series): Show inner points, Show outlier points,
Show mean markers, Exclusive median. Each figure should include labeled axes (with
units), a complete figure legend, and a clear communication of statistical results. As a
reference for what might constitute a complete figure and legend, two sample graphs
from different experiments appear on the last page of this handout.
4) Only report the results, do not interpret their larger biological meaning.
please follow these as well for the lab report portion.


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