Please read the chapters 10, 11, 12,13 in the book listed below: Allosso & Willi


Please read the chapters 10, 11, 12,13 in the book listed below:
Allosso & Willi

Please read the chapters 10, 11, 12,13 in the book listed below:
Allosso & Williford: Modern World History : Dan Allosso and Tom Williford : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive . Book and pg numbers used for the paragraphs must be cited at the end of every paragraph.
I’ve also uploaded youtube videos that can be used for this assignment citings must be timestamped. Please see all the instructions below:
This assignment will be submitted to Turnitin™.
Milestone Activity 5
You have reached a Milestone Activity! Please be sure you have completed all of the learning activities. Milestone Activities are important stops along your educational journey to check your progress towards mastering the competency and to get feedback and guidance from your tutorial faculty. 
Please note: You must complete this Milestone Activity before moving on in this competency. Milestones ask questions that touch upon concepts covered in previous Learning Activities and provide you with the opportunity to see concepts from the perspective of experts in the field, your faculty. 
This Milestone Activity is not graded and will not impact your score on your Final Assessment; however, your response must score a “Proficient” or “Exemplary” on each rubric criterion, listed in the Assignment rubric, in order to access and submit your Final Assessment.
To complete this Milestone Activity, read the prompts below and then provide your response based on the activity guidelines. In order to score a “Proficient” or “Exemplary”, your response must be thoughtful and substantive, and you must reference or cite content from this competency. Your tutorial faculty will use the attached rubric to determine if your submission shows the depth of thought required to successfully complete this Milestone. Let’s get started!
What do I want you to do? 
This learning outcome reviewed the historical thinking skills continuity and change, using the past and global awareness.  It also discussed the aftermath of World War II, decolonization as West Europeans lose their colonies in India, Africa and Asia, the impact of decolonization, the Cold War, and Neo-Liberal Globalization
In this assessment, you will show your understanding of one of the following historical thinking skills: continuity and change, using the past and global awareness.  
For this milestone activity and part of the final assessment, you will choose one of the following from below and analyze it with one of the following historical thinking skills:  continuity and change, using the past and global awareness.    
Your final assessment will consist of the combination of your other updated milestone activities and this updated milestone activity along with the application of two additional thinking skills that you have not used in Milestones 2 to 5.  You will apply the two other thinking skills to two different events that you learned about in this competency.  More instructions for the final assessment are in the final instructions.   
How do I want you to do it?
Pick one of the following:
Use continuity and change to explain the decolonization of either India or African countries.  Explain the decolonization process and what happened as a result.  What things remained the same and what things changed?  Why? Remember you need to explain your ideas as if you are explaining them to someone who knows nothing about the topic.  Remember also to explain the who, what, where, when, why, how and importance of the event.
Use the skill of using the past to analyze the Cold War.  What was the Cold War and who were the two major superpowers?  How did the Cold War begin?  Why? What other places in the world became the fighting grounds for the Cold War?  Why?  How did the Cold War end?  Why?  What lessons can be learned about the interaction of superpowers?  How can we use these lessons today?  Remember you need to explain your ideas as if you are explaining them to someone who knows nothing about the topic.  Remember also to explain the who, what, where, when, why, how and importance of the event.
Use global awareness to analyze how globalization shaped the 20th and 21st century events.  You will need to explain what globalization is and what global awareness.  What is Neo-Globalization?  How is it seen in events of the late 20th and early 21st century?  Explain some of these events.  Explain the impact of globalization on people around the world.  How has it shaped the world that we live in today?  Remember you need to explain your ideas as if you are explaining them to someone who knows nothing about the topic.  Remember also to explain the who, what, where, when, why, how and importance of the event.
What to include in your submission
Your assignment should be at least 400 words.
Write everything in your own words.  Do not use quotes as a substitute for your words.
You should use proper grammar and proper spelling.
DO NOT USE OUTSIDE SOURCES.  Everything you need is in the readings and the videos.
Be sure you have included sources for the materials by placing the author and title in parentheses at the end paragraph. (i.e. John Green, World War I with time stamp) or (Allosso and Williford, Modern World History, page 50).
You need to submit this as a Word document or a PDF.
Click here for more information on citations.
You need to synthesize all the sources provided in your answer.  Do not use just one source.
Hide Rubrics
Rubric Name: Milestone Activity 5 Rubric
Quality of Post
Fully answers the question(s); Post is substantive and shows a deep level of understanding of the concepts; Post synthesizes, applies, and/or integrates concepts effectively.
Mostly answers the posted question(s); Post shows some thoughtfulness and substance; Post synthesizes, applies or integrates concepts.
Somewhat answers the posted question(s); Post is lacking in thought and substance.
Does not answer the posted question(s); Post is not thoughtful or substantive.
Connections to Content
Post includes obvious and direct connections to competency content; May include direct/indirect quotes and references the content from the competency.
Post includes connections to competency content; Includes direct quotes, indirect quotes, or references the content from the competency.
Post does not include any obvious connections to content. Does not use any direct/indirect quotes or references.
Post does not include any connections to content. Does not use any direct/indirect quotes or references.
Post is original and demonstrates an independent thought process that is creative and individualized. Post adds value by raising novel points or providing new perspectives.
Post is original and may demonstrate an independent thought process that is somewhat creative and individualized. Post may contain novel points or perspectives.
Post is similar to other resources; may not demonstrate an independent thought process.
Post has identical parts from other resources; does not demonstrate an independent thought process.
Writing Mechanics
Post is concise and clearly written in an academic tone; Sentences are complete; spelling, grammar and punctuation are correct.
Post is clearly written; There may be a few minor errors in sentence structure grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
Post is somewhat clearly written; There may be errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation that affect readability.
Post is not written clearly; Includes many errors in sentence structure, grammar, spelling, and/or punctuation.
Overall Score
4: Exemplary
3: Proficeint
2: Developing
1: Emerging
CLO 5: Analyze historical events using the historical thinking skills of continuity and change, using the past and global awareness.
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