P – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA) I – Occupational Differences C


P – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA)
I – Occupational Differences

P – Certified Registered Nurse Anesthesia (CRNA)
I – Occupational Differences
C – Critical Care Registered Nurses (CCRN) / Bedside Nursing
O – Self-Reported Burnout
In CRNA’s, what is the effect of occupational differences on self-reported burnout as compared to a CCRN position?
Summarize your research in a structured research report. Your paper should include an introduction, background of the case study, research questions, methodology, main research findings, implications for quality improvement, and concluding remarks. Use appropriate citation styles (APA) for referencing the sources used.
In this Research assignment I want to awnser some questions like what exactly is “burnout” , what are the roels and responsilbiities of Critical Care Nurses (Bedside Nurses) , what are the roles and responsibilities of Certififed Registered Nurse Anesthsias , and What are the differences between these two fields of nurses that allows a higher satisfaction/retention rate for one vs. the other. 
I also would like to show some Gender differences between Males and Females  as compared to who has a higher rate of overall occupational burnout (outside of JUST nursing) reporterd and which gender has higher rate of going into a CRNA field and see if theres any corrolation there.


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