In a semester-long project, students will choose, at least, fifty (50) points wo


In a semester-long project, students will choose, at least, fifty (50) points wo

In a semester-long project, students will choose, at least, fifty (50) points worth of Institute for Civic Engagement & Democracy (iCED)
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actions that get them closer to becoming prepared for lifelong civic engagement and from any of the six (6) broad categories (Democratic Engagement, Environment & Sustainability, Community Well-being, Arts
& Culture, and Social Innovation). Next, to complete these civic actions, students will complete, document, and reflect upon the experience of completing the action, then score points and build a Civic
Action Portfolio with Miami Dade College, potentially leading to iCED transcripts, recommendation letters, earned certificates, recognition from campus’ annual awards ceremony, and resume additions and/or transfer applications. Instructions, login information, along with a schedule of actions and experiences can be found here
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Completing the action, documentation, and reflection components of a Civic Action Item constitutes a Civic Action Portfolio submission eligible to score points which are accumulated via Civic Action Scorecard
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It’s possible that students may not only be assigned but complete Civic
Action Items by multiple instructors and even in the same semester. Students are permitted to complete the same Civic Action Item(s) in this
class as well as another. Finally, students will apply their civic engagement actions/experiences in both a midterm and final paper Gordon Rule assignment:
Students are required to have completed twenty-five (25) points worth of iCED actions and/or experiences;
Choose, at least, three (3) textbook terms, concepts, and/or ideas to apply your twenty-five (25) points worth of actions and/or experiences to your major, discipline, field, or interest in, at least, 500 words or more using either APA
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Links to an external site. format;
Besides the textbook, students are required to incorporate three (3)
additional sources including one peer-reviewed, scholarly article or journal from the MDC Library Database


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