Here’s the third Image Cloud project prompt and ads from the 1960’s, below. 1) C


Here’s the third Image Cloud project prompt and ads from the 1960’s, below.
1) C

Here’s the third Image Cloud project prompt and ads from the 1960’s, below.
1) Chose ONE advertisements to analyze from those provided.
2) Brainstorm a word/phrase list related to the image: write down whatever comes to mind regarding the advertisement. What do you see? What don’t you see? What are the shapes? Colors? Messages? Objects? Symbols? What is it trying to “say”? What creative materials and forms are used within the image (mostly photography? Illustration?), etc…Let your mind wander…
3) Now, start Googling for images using your word and phrase list from the Brainstorm above and save them for use in your Image Cloud.
4) Open up GIMP (or whatever image editing software you have) and start creating your Image Cloud…and have fun! 🙂 Create your finished JPEG file and combine that into one document as a PDF with the above Word List and following Discussion text (do NOT include the original, saved GIMP file on your computer! As per the GIMP Training Video, FIRST save your Image Cloud collage as a GIMP file with layers, THEN “merge” all the Layers, THEN “Export As” as a JPEG format, THEN close GIMP (you can “Discard” any changes if it asks if you want to save them) once you are finished.
5) Next, do a short description/writeup about why you chose the images you did and how you feel it all works together, and also includes these discussion elements as well about the ad:
A) The “Literal Message(s)”
i) What are the literal, obvious things that are in the image? Do a direct, literal description of what is in the ad
B) The “Linguistic Message” – If there is text in the ad, evaluate it by discussing:
i) “Denoted” text: What are the linguistic messages (tag lines, other text in the ad, etc) that are obvious that are in the advertisement (if any…some ads many not have a lot of words in the them, or any).
ii) “Connoted” text: What are the messages in the text that are inferred? Meaning, what might the “hidden” messages be within the printed text? What are the words trying to say if it is not direct?
C) The “Symbolic Message(s)”
i) Find the signs or symbols that are within the Image (rather than the text). What are the NON-verbal (non-linguistic) parts of the message the advertisement is trying to show you? What does the “art” part of the ad (the illustration, the photograph, etc) say without using words? Just do your best to come up with things to find and talk about here!
Refer back to the image and description in the link we saw Week 1 about Barthes for help: to an external site.
NOTE: Since we have been having issues uploading both your Image Cloud jpeg, AND a text entry, let’s try and combine everything together…So, include all into ONE document created in Word, or TextEdit, or Pages and output your file as a PDF and send that:
1) Word Search list
2) Short writeup
3) the Image Cloud (embedded into your document)


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