For this report you will have to login to my account on this website: https://ap


For this report you will have to login to my account on this website: https://ap

For this report you will have to login to my account on this website:
I will give the account details once hired
a single hard copy of your typed report at least 3 pages, and an appendix with your results, market value plots, and supporting calculations. Format all your work neatly and provide enough numerical details without unnecessarily cluttering your report. Make sure that your report has a logical structure, and it is well-written. Be prepared to summarize your strategy and performance at request. List any references/sources used. Upload the Excel file you used for preparing the numerical analysis. Please put your name in the name of the Excel file you submit. 
Calculate and plot the market value of your portfolio for each day (including cash). I suggest that you do this by adding up the daily closing market values of your assets held and the cash you hold, including the total dividends received up to date. Calculate the return for each day on your portfolio using the daily portfolio market values you just calculated. How risky was your portfolio compared to the index? Calculate the average daily return and the standard deviation of daily returns for both the S&P 500 index and your portfolio. Also calculate your portfolio’s beta by calculating the covariance of your portfolio’s daily returns with the S&P 500’s daily returns and dividing that with the S&P 500’s variance. Use the standard deviation and beta to calculate Sharpe’s ratio, Treynor’s measure, and Jensen’s alpha for your portfolio and for the market index, i.e. the S&P 500. Assume that the annual risk-free rate is 3% – don’t forget to turn this into a daily figure for your analysis.
Finally,  would you alter your portfolio holdings for the future, if so why?


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