For this assignment, please provide a three-to-four-page length essay along with


For this assignment, please provide a three-to-four-page length essay along with

For this assignment, please provide a three-to-four-page length essay along with APA-style citations that addresses the following question: Please compare the civil rights experiences of different Latinx communities or other social groups in the United States. Also discuss how the experiences of these communities might align or differ from the experiences of one another.
In your essay, be sure to:
• Describe and discuss commonalities and differences in
• Discuss the outcomes in education, employment, and other forms of societal change that Latinx groups
fighting for civil right had in common with other groups in the United States. In what ways were they successful in unifying around a common agenda for social change?
• Discuss the significance and challenges of alliance building and give specific examples.
• Discuss the outcomes in education, employment, and other forms of societal change that Latinx groups fighting for civil right had in common with other groups in the United States. In what ways were they successful in unifying around a common agenda for social change?
• Discuss the significance and challenges of alliance building and give specific examples.
• Refer to and cite relevant course readings in your essay. (For anyone making this assignment specific to the intersections between the Young Lords and Black Panthers, you can require that student essays discuss Radicals in Black and Brown: Palante, People’s Power, and Common Cause in the Black Panthers and the Young Lords Organization and reference other relevant readings.)


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