Assignment Instructions Create an executive presentation in the form of 8–10 Pow


Assignment Instructions
Create an executive presentation in the form of 8–10 Pow

Assignment Instructions
Create an executive presentation in the form of 8–10 PowerPoint slides and create an audio or video recording (5 minutes or less in length) of yourself making the presentation to your audience. The presentation must describe an action plan to address the identified issues and a communication strategy to share the action plan with the organization’s stakeholders.
In the PowerPoint presentation:
Briefly share the issues you identified in your Week 4 assignment.
Analyze how you would address the issues relevant to the factor you chose (your action plan).
In your explanation include at least 3 actions.
Analyze the human resource and financial perspectives of your action plan.
For example, if you chose the factor Better Care and Greater Value (affordability and access, quality and safety, value-based delivery and payment models), and determined that under accessibility and affordability there were customers who did not have a way to communicate or access follow-up care, an issue is identified. Now that you know this issue, perhaps your action plan to address the issue is partnering with Verizon or AT&T to provide cell phones to those customers who are not able to afford the means of communicating or participating in their plan of care. Keep in mind that means addressing the financial perspective and how this impacts operations.
Describe your communication strategy that addresses the identified issues related to the factor chosen in your initial assignment and the resulting action plan.
Describe the effective leadership soft skills that are essential for this delivery, such as communication, motivating others, teamwork, problem-solving, adaptability, delegation, active listening, et cetera.
Describe a communication strategy that is appealing to your stakeholders.
Describe how you will get your stakeholders motivated to climb on board with your action plan.
Your executive PowerPoint presentation should have the following basic structure. It should be 8–10 slides in length, not including the title and reference slides. Be sure to use an appealing slide design:
Slide 1: Title slide.
Slide 2: Overview of the factor from the AHA Environmental Scan report you chose in Week 2.
Slides 3–5: Action Plan Initiatives (explain at least 3 action items based on your Week 4 analysis).
Slides 6–8: Communication Plan (consider leadership soft skills and best practices).
Slide 9: Conclusion slide (highlights the important takeaways for your audience).
Slide 10: Reference slide.
Presentation slides should consist only of bullet points to express the intended message. Add images where applicable.
Include detailed or in-depth discussion notes in the Notes section for each PowerPoint slide (the Notes section is required).
Proofread your presentation and make sure your citations and references are complete and are in APA format.
Create an audio or video recording of yourself presenting the PowerPoint presentation to your audience. This recording must be 5 minutes or less in length. You may use Kaltura or other compatible software.
Practice delivering your presentation to keep it less than 5 minutes in length.
Think about the content and how it should be delivered. You want this to be a motivating and captivating presentation to your CEO. If the CEO is captivated, the other stakeholders will be captivated.
As a current or future healthcare leader, your presentation is expected to be delivered clearly and professionally. Create this presentation as if you are presenting this to your workplace CEO.
Additional Requirements
Assignment Format: PowerPoint slides that include a Notes section, and audio or video recording.
PowerPoint Length: 8–10 slides, not including the title and reference slides.
Recording Length: 5 minutes or less.
Supporting Evidence: Include at least 3 academic or scholarly sources as needed to highlight and support strategies suggested and evidence-based assertions and best practices.
APA Formatting: Format in-text citations and references according to current APA style and formatting. Evidence and APALinks to an external site. can help with this.
Submission Requirements: Submit your PowerPoint slides and recorded audio or video presentation in the Assignment area.
Competencies Measured
By successfully completing this assignment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and rubric criteria:
Competency 1: Analyze organizational structure, design, culture, and climate in relation to environmental forces.
Describe issues identified in an environmental scan of an organization.
Describe a communication strategy that addresses identified issues related to a specific environmental factor and the resulting action plan.
Competency 2: Develop a strategic organizational plan that provides human and financial resources to support targeted organizational outcomes.
Analyze how to address the issues identified in an environmental scan relevant to a specific environmental factor.
Analyze the human resource and financial perspectives of an action plan.
Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and consistent with expectations for professionals in health care administration.
Describe effective leadership soft skills that are essential for communicating an action plan.
Create an effective PowerPoint presentation, including detailed discussion notes.
Create an effective audio or video presentation conveying an action plan and communication plan.


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