Extra Credit Memo The global pandemic that we are living through is something th


Extra Credit Memo
The global pandemic that we are living through is something th

Extra Credit Memo
The global pandemic that we are living through is something that businesses, big or small, did not plan for or imagine could happen. Now, many businesses, again both big and small, are having to shut down and face losing normal revenues for the foreseeable future. Many business owners have been faced with having to cut employees pay or lay off employees all together. Small businesses are having to find creative ways remain afloat during this time.
The unknown still lies ahead and business owners do not know how long this will last or the severity of what this will do to their business.
Going forward, businesses will learn to plan for this incase anything like this happens again. Disaster plans for pandemics will become a topic of discussion among top management and lessons will be learned and changes will be made in case there is a “next time.”
You are living through history and this will likely affect the way business conducts themselves in ways we could not have imagined a month ago. Much like the fraud scandals that you will be writing your final memos on, this pandemic will reshape the business world.
For up to 50 points added to your lowest “total grade” (so if your homework total out of 200 is your lowest grade I will add 50 points or if your exam 3 grade out of 200 is lowest I will add 50 points to it, etc.) I want you to write a 2-page memo responding to this crisis businesses find themselves in.
You can complete this memo in many different ways. I have listed some ideas below.
This will be due on the day the final memo is due, May 11, 2024 by 11:00PM.
Topic Ideas:
Put yourself in the place of a small business (grocery store, local restaurant, lawn care company, small boutique, etc.) and write how you would recommend responding to this crisis. You can research what programs have been passed by the Federal Government to help small businesses and use it in your plan of action.
Respond to how this pandemic has affected you from a business standpoint- are you having to work from home, is your business doing live sales on social media, is a restaurant offering delivery or curb side.
Write a “plan of action” for a future crisis that is similar to the one we are in currently. If you were asked to be on the brainstorm team next year to come up with a contingency plan, what would you recommend.


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