Guided Response: Note the goal of the discussion forum is to provide a learning


Guided Response: Note the goal of the discussion forum is to provide a learning

Guided Response: Note the goal of the discussion forum is to provide a learning opportunity via meaningful and interactive discourse. Therefore, robust and continued commentary is essential. Responses must explicitly address concepts covered in Week 1, citing information from the required resources or other relevant resources in APA Style. Give examples to illustrate and explain content. In addition, responses must demonstrate critical insight. Respond to at least two of your classmates by Day 7. In addition, respond to classmates (and the instructor, if applicable) who replied to your initial post.
The following general suggestions may be useful as you craft your replies:
Describe examples that further illustrate relevant social psychological concepts.
Relate the content in your classmate’s post to that of your own or another’s initial contribution or reply.
Provide supplementary sources or reference course material that adds additional insight.
Ask clarifying or thought-provoking questions.
Required Reference:
Aronson, E. (with Aronson, J.). (2018). The social animal (12th ed.). Worth.
Chapter 1 and 9
Miner, H. (1956). Body ritual among the Nacirema. American Anthropologist, 58(3), 503–507. 10.1515/9783110856064.134
First Classmate:
Social psychology allows me to comprehend society’s actions, and behaviors but it also shows me my own beliefs, perspectives, and behaviors. Humans are complicated beings with such vast feelings and thoughts which make it difficult to do one experiment to solve all questions. Some studies make humans sound as if they are born aggressive and savage while other studies may say humans are a product of their social upbringing/environment (Aronson, 2018). I’m of the belief that humans are molded and shaped by their home life and social influence, social thinking, and social relations.
In this presentation I’ll introduce you all to my life as a trucker, mom, life partner and grandmother, while still maintaining my sense of fashion and beauty. It has been a roller coaster ride of trauma, loss, love, hope and determination. In hindsight, I view the lenses of my life as all a learning experience that I can share with others as an example of overcoming challenges such as stereotypes of being a female in a male dominated field of trucking and dealing with prejudice. These experiences shaped my perception of society in a negative and positive way. In my younger years I overestimated my abilities in the workplace by believing people were noble and honest and quickly came to understand that some people operate off confirmation bias due to negative social influence. In some instances, I was able to reciprocate the power of the situation by overlooking bias and prejudicial treatment by still being me, and not succumbing to reaction of negativity. By embracing a positive outlook and behavior, it changed the behaviors of the people I developed social relations with that had bias and prejudicial mindset. Societal pressures can wear on self-esteem if you don’t fit that mold of expectation. I struggled with styling my afro textured hair in my early adulthood so decided to go against the status quo by cutting my hair short and embracing it as it is what is. I got positive reactions from people for my boldness to step outside the normal societal expectations of what women hair should look like. According to the studies on the Nacirema, they were a cultivating society that believed in extreme bodily rituals such as oral and moral characteristics. These rituals may seem tortuous or unpleasant to an outsider, however to their people it was a rite of passage. This is an example of social influence and relation. This can be viewed negatively or positively depending on who it affects and their perspective.
Aronson, E. (with Aronson, J.). (2018). The social animal (12th ed.). Worth.
Miner, H. (1956). Body ritual among the Nacirema. American Anthropologist, 58(3), 503–507. 10.1515/9783110856064.134
Second Classmate:
Week 1 Discussion Considering Context Collage
“Social psychology” is the scientific study of how people influence other people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors.” (Aronson, 2018) Someone can be easily manipulated by others, whether good or bad. Children are influenced by their parents and/or siblings. Some people can be influenced politically, and religiously as well. Growing up my mother was a Christian and we went to church every Sunday. We were basically in church every day because there was always something going on. My siblings and I were raised to be Christians too. She had a motherly influence over us so whatever she did we had to do. Well, today I only consider myself a spiritual person because I am older now and have done some studies and therefore I can make decisions for myself. 
The photos I have submitted are only some of the photos that I love and that brings me peace. These photos explain me as the person I am. I love nature and I love the elements. I love my family as well, but I could not get my photos to upload, so I downloaded these from the internet. I have tons of photos of my family and I that I wish I could have gotten them to upload.


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