This highlighting the violence and crime in the United States throughout history


This highlighting the violence and crime in the United States throughout history

This highlighting the violence and crime in the United States throughout history.  In the introduction dive into the profound, historical context of crime, tracing is   evolution from early records to significant historical ships that have not only influenced crime rates in types, but have also shape the very fabric of our society.
Following the introduction explore the multifacet causes of crime. This part of your paper should combine sociological, psychological, and environmental factors. For instance discussed hostile issues like poverty and inequity correlate with crime rates, how psychological factors such as mental health can influence behavior, and how environmental factors like community and neighborhoods play a role. 
In the introduction dive into the profound, historical context of crime, tracing is evolution from early records to significant historical ships that have not only influenced crime rates in types, but have also shape the very fabric of our society.
To include Susan Smith, John Allen Muhammad, and the Columbine Shooters and how their actions had an impact on the current day criminal justice system.  
Detail significant historical measures and events that have shaped law-enforcement and public perception of crime. The 1967 presidents crime commission and its outcomes, as well as the effect of the columbine high school massacre on school, safety policies, are critical. Explain the concept in the implementation of community policing, discussing is effectiveness and challenges.
The paper should also clearly defined legal terms, such as homicide, murder (including the degrees) , and manslaughter (both voluntary and involuntary). 
Incorporate recent statistics on murder and homicide rates in the DC, Maryland, and Virginia area to provide a current perspective on the crime rate in trends in specific regions.
Use the links below as a refernce: 
National Institute of Health: Violence in the United States 
National Institute of Health: Violence as a Public Health Problem 
FBI Releases 2022 Crime in the Nation Statistics (October 2023)  
WTTW Television News: Media Matters When It Comes to the Public’s Perception of Crime and Violence, Andrea Guthmann | July 24, 2023


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