you must create a very precise essay which explains the following – Identify the


you must create a very precise essay which explains the following –
Identify the

you must create a very precise essay which explains the following –
Identify the issue or topic at hand and how it relates to business. 
Identify the stakeholders that are impacted by this issue as well as how they are impacted.
Discuss why this issue or topic is relevant to business and the business environment today. What is the impact or influence this issue has on business as we know it?
A 1500  word essay, APA format, typed and submitted as a Word Document.
APA Website – to an external site.
12 Point Times New Roman Font with 1 inch margins.  
3 Sources to back/support your paper and your arguement.
A link/article/pdf/book/publication, or some type of documentation of the articles you are referencing. These articles should also be listed as references at the end of your paper as well in accordance to APA formatting.
An abstract or table of contents is not necessary since this paper is an essay. A title page is necessary. The title page and references do not count toward your 1500 word count minimum.


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