In module 5, you played a simulation game called the Beer Game. After completion


In module 5, you played a simulation game called the Beer
Game. After completion

In module 5, you played a simulation game called the Beer
Game. After completion of the game, results were displayed in the form of
various graphs and downloadable Excel files.  There was a lot of data
generated from your team and other competing teams.   Data of
interest are:
and Order History of all supply chain players.
level (negative values indicate backorders) of all supply chain players.
costs of all supply chain players and total supply chain cost
Now, consider yourself as the Supply Chain Manager.
You need to write a report for your organization based on what you have
learned from this simulated event. Not everyone in your organization has a
background in supply chain management. Your report should be understandable to
all audiences in your organization.
The report should be written answering following
questions. For each question describe
you have observed,
you can conclude, and
you should improve. 
Each of these three (3) aspects should be supported by
data and analysis. You can include graphs and tables as
necessary. You can be creative and further analyze the data in order to
generate meaningful statistics that support your findings.
NOTE: The purpose of analysis is not to overcrowd
the report with large data sets, graphs, and tables and have the reader
interpret and infer from those graphs. Interpretation and inference are
your task, and your report should make that explicit. Keep
in mind the most important rule, which is this – do not include graphs,
tables, and data if you are not making any inferences (conclusions) from them.
All graphs and tables should be numbered and should refer in
context by number. Include tables and graphs in the text where you are
referring them not at the end.
weekly order and demand history of all supply chain players. What
observations can you make from them?
weekly inventory levels of all supply chain players. What observations can
you make from them?
weekly costs of all supply chain players. What observations can you make
from them?
decisions/situations where your team could have performed better. Use
graphs or data as necessary to convey this point.
As a
Supply Chain Manager, what initiatives will you undertake to meet customer
demand at minimum cost? Justify your initiatives with data.  
Formatting Instructions:
This REPORT / ANALYSIS is an individual assignment.
Submit answers to the above questions in one word document.
There is no template for this Module Assignment.
Simply write the question and the
corresponding answer, using the required format. Answers to each
question should be clearly specified. 
Use a suitable font with 1 inch margin on all sides and
single spacing. Your assignment should be between 6 to 8 pages excluding
graphs, tables, or data.  


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