A final report where you will update on any modifications you may have made duri


A final report where you will update on any modifications you may have made duri

A final report where you will update on any modifications you may have made during this time. Your report should contain the following information I will attach it on the file : I will attach my first report assigment that I did on my 5 stocks reports of the different company’s so you can have an idea on what I did on my first assigment. For this I am going to give you the log in for the websiteto see the reports  https://www.investopedia.com/simulator/ (this is the website the username to get in is edilypena and password edily1126 I give you constent to go in it )  that is the website and the log in I give you consent to log in. Now I’m going to attach my final report questions you have to answer on the same 5 stock that I did in the first assigment youre going to write about it on the final one .


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