(Part 1): 6 short answer questions AND (Part 2): one take-home essay. The exam w


(Part 1): 6 short answer questions AND
(Part 2): one take-home essay. The exam w

(Part 1): 6 short answer questions AND
(Part 2): one take-home essay. The exam will cover material from the midterm to the end of the course.
Part 1 – Choose 6 out of the 7 philosophical concepts to answer. Each answer should roughly be around 350-500 words. Do not use quotes in your answer. I am evaluating your knowledge of the material. Enumerate your answers accordingly so I know which question you are answering. Double-space your answers. (60 points)
Characterize Saranillio’s response to reframe Filipino allyship with Native Hawaiians OR Roshanravanʻs concept of the third racial space.
Explain either Bardwell-Jones’ notion of “world-travelling” or “home-making”
Explain the difference between the savage/civilized binary in Kauanuiʻs work. How might this lead to a paradox in sovereignty?
Define settler colonialism and one example of a move to innocence made by settlers.
Characterize 1 example of colonial mentality from Davidʻs work AND 1 indigenous concept that can be used to address colonial mentality.
According to Ahmed, what is diversity work? And what is the job of a diversity worker?
Explain the concept of “race traitor” from Baileyʻs work OR Sullivan-Clarkeʻs concept of settler allyship responsibilities.
Part 2 – Take Home questions: (100 points)
Please choose ONE of the following essay questions. The essay should consist of 3-5 pages. Cite accordingly (Author, p. #) i.e. (Callicott, 28). Please follow the standard format of essays (1 inch margins, double-space, 12 point font).  Answers to the essays will be graded on (1) the degree of familiarity with and in depth understanding of the details of the readings as evidenced in your answers; (2) quality of philosophical argument and degree to which you consider the opposing viewpoint to your own; (3) clarity of organization and expression.
Histories of colonization play a role in the formation of our identity. Utilizing at least two authors from the last half of the course (Tuck&Yang, David, Saranillio, Kauanui, Clarke-Sullivan), articulate the tension colonization has had on identity and how one can develop a strategy of decolonization. In your response, consider how authors you have chosen provide a reasonable account of “choice” plays a role in decolonization.
There were many strategies we covered in the last section of the course that addresses issues of cross-cultural solidarity. Defend one strategy from Ahmed, Roshranravan, Bardwell-Jones, Saranillio, Bailey or Sullivan-Clarke. Choose at least one author (from the list above) to help support your argument. In what ways does the strategy aim to develop cross-cultural, cross-racial solidarities in order to transform communities?


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