Students must let me know ahead of time if they wish to reschedule their present


Students must let me know ahead of time if they wish to reschedule their presentation (a valid reason must be given).
Each presentation is based on a case study from the textbook. All case studies are related to current international finance issues or concerns. It is highly recommended and expected to research the topic and read other articles on the subject to receive a higher grade.
10 to 15 minutes presentation with PowerPoint slides.
Case studies and groups have been assigned. You have been paired with a classmate and will present during practical sessions.
You can include a short video (less than 2 minutes) to explain or illustrate key concepts.
You can send me an email or pass by my office to discuss if you encounter any issues or concerns.
Do not forget to include in your PowerPoint presentation:
A title slide (case study’s title, students’ name, course number)
Definitions and/or explanations of concepts, theories or models.
A reference slide (using APA format)
You must submit your ppt presentation on Canvas before class.
Each presentation will account for 150 points for a total of 15% of your final grade.
How to get an A
Don’t read your notes too much, speak up, use your hands and make eye contact with your classmates.
Make sure the slides are easy to read (fewer words is best, illustrations are welcome).
Interact with your classmates during or after the presentation (e.g. Discussion question, Kahoot, Short quiz).
Use several sources (articles, graphs, etc) and don’t forget to reference them at the end of your presentation.


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