also there is another instruction attached and and example of a reasearch Page l


also there is another instruction attached and and example of a reasearch Page length: 4-6 pages, excluding the cover page and reference pages. Double spaced. A minimum of 10 relevant sources are to be cited using the APA citation method. The goal of background research is to learn more about the project topic/area to educate ourselves on the specific topic in-depth. An additional goal is to learn more about science, methods, and tools available to solve the problem. This is NOT an analysis of the company. Using multiple keywords, research and find relevant articles, papers, books, white papers and reports. Collect 15-20 sources and select the best fit ten to use in your individual research. Group them in to topics/themes. Use sub-headings and write a narrative paragraph supported by your research materials. Use in-text citations. Do not provide a list of summaries of articles without context or explanation. Organize your paper for flow, to transition from one topic to the next. The student demonstrates the ability to write comprehensive, systematic individual research to understand the project topic/area. Good quality of relevant research materials. Organized narrative text with sub-headings, has a good flow. Provided good credibility by using in-text citations. Research demonstrates an understanding of the relevant background needed to solve the project problem.


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