Create a paper on the why and how Defense Information School should identify sou


Create a paper on the why and how Defense Information School should identify sources to scan, collect information, and analyze the information. Include at least one comprehensive graphic that could be used as a brief slide. Strategic plan is attached for reference and school can be googled for more information. Will reply to messages is more information is needed.
Scan: Evaluate what is the organization’s barriers to crisis-sensing. (These include budget, lack of personnel, technology security, lack of engagement with stakeholders)
Collect Information: What recommendations do you have for Defense Information School to effectively collect information from the information environment to potentially prevent a crisis?
Analysis: Consider Knowledge Management. Knowledge Management differentiates between information (simply places facts in context) and knowledge (analyzes the information so that it is usable by people in the organization). What will be the knowledge management process with the identified and collected information? Also, how will analyses be shared? The paper can also explore other obstacles the organization needs to overcome to enable preventive measures to be taken to mitigate a crisis. Requirements
• Provide links to sources (Use: Coombs, W. Timothy. (2023). Ongoing crisis communication: planning, managing, and responding (6th ed). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage. as 1 of the 5 sources. • Minimum 5 pages of text (maximum 10), not including visuals, cover and reference pages. • Follow APA style for in-text citations and sources cited as “References” at the end of your report. Videos, images, and graphs should be sourced and referenced.
• a Word document, double-spaced, one-inch margins, 12-point Times New Roman font.
• Sub-heads are allowed.
• Avoid fragmented sentences with bullet points.
APA Quick Reminders
• Alphabetize the reference list.
• Limit capitalization to the first word of the title of an article and book and any proper names within it.
• Add italics to the names of books, names of scholarly journals, prominent publications and blogs.
• Give the name of the city and the abbreviation for the state when citing books. Below you will find a few examples.
Coombs, W. Timothy. (2023). Ongoing crisis communication: planning, managing, and responding (6th ed). Thousand Oaks, California: Sage.
Ladner, S. (2014). Practical ethnography: A guide to doing ethnography in the private sector. Walnut Creek, CA: Left Coast Press.
Solomon, M. (2017). Consumer behavior: Buying, having and being. (12th ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Education, Inc.


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