For my research paper, I’ll analyze Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” using feminist lite


For my research paper, I’ll analyze Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” using feminist lite

For my research paper, I’ll analyze Jamaica Kincaid’s “Girl” using feminist literary criticism. I’ll explore how the story portrays gender roles and power dynamics, focusing on how the narrator’s instructions reflect societal expectations and perpetuate oppression. , Your essay should:
be 900–1,200 words long
fulfill requirements outlined in the essay instructions
be written in a clear, academic style
be organized: it should have an introduction (including your essay’s thesis), at least two discussion sections, and a conclusion
focus on supporting its thesis statement
include quotes in each body paragraph
use MLA format, including internal citations and a work cited page. Essays that do not include a works cited page will earn an automatic 50.
The purpose of this paper is to apply at least one literary critical approach to a literary work we studied this semester. You will select one short story or poem assigned in Modules 2–11 to be the focus of your literary research and analysis.
Select from the following types of critical approaches:
Note: There are many more critical approaches than the ones listed here. Any of the critical approaches defined in our textbook could also work. For this essay you will:
Develop a thesis that connects an aspect of your chosen literature to at least one critical approach.
Support your thesis by supplying pertinent evidence from the literature AND evidence from at least 3 peer-reviewed secondary sources.
This paper should be at least 900–1,200 words.
Some Topic Examples
(These are not prompts. They’re just examples. You should come up with your own topic.)
Biographical and historical approach to “Where Are You Going, Where Have You Been?”: Examine Joyce Carol Oates’ inspiration for the story. (She wrote the story after reading about a serial killer.)
Postcolonial approach to “A Wall of Fire Rising” by Edwidge Danticat: Poverty and limited opportunities in Haiti prevent Guy from realizing his dreams. (Biographical and Historical approaches could also work with this story.)
Feminist approach to Trifles by Susan Glaspell and “Aunt Jennifer’s Tigers” by Adrienne Rich: The main characters in both represent negative consequences of oppressive marriages.
Psychoanalytic approach to “The Yellow Wall-Paper” by Charlotte Perkins Gilman: Symbols reflect the character’s declining mental health. Gilman’s own experience with depression inspired this story.
Source Details
You are required to use and document a minimum of four sources in this paper.
One of these sources should be the primary text(s) (short story or poem) you are discussing.
The other three required sources should be peer-reviewed academic/scholarly secondary sources in which scholars or experts have written their interpretations and analyses of the texts or topics that are relevant to your argument. Reference works (dictionaries, encyclopedias, etc.) are not scholarly sources.
Sources must be valid for college-level writing. Journal articles from the library databases should be used.
Additional sources can be any type (website, documentary, personal interview, etc.) as long as they are relevant and credible. Do NOT use Wikipedia,,,, etc.
Your paper and the works cited page must be submitted in correct MLA format. Essays that do not include a works cited page will earn an automatic 50.
If your writing contains ANY plagiarism (if any source information is not credited to the source it came from), you will be given a ZERO on the paper.
Final Tips
Don’t use summary any more than you need to in order to make a point; assume your readers have already read the text; summary should only be used as support and for clarity.
Don’t use 1st person “I” or “we” or the 2nd person “you” or “your” in your academic writing Do make sure your work stays focused on discussing and proving the main argument made in the paper’s thesis.
Do make sure your work is in MLA format and your sources follow MLA guidelines.
Do proofread and edit carefully.


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