Based on the theoretical perspectives underlying the use of teaching resources,


Based on the theoretical perspectives underlying the use of teaching resources, design an English lesson using one teaching resource (an online video), and evaluate your implementation of the lesson. Education Essay 1500 words.Subject:English Language Teaching.(assumed level: primary four Hong Kong students).Must follow instructions clearly.Must include answer for every guided questions. Question: Based on the theoretical perspectives underlying the use of teaching resources ( Communication , Enhancing student engagement , Constructivism)(please read attached unit 5 p.3-8&p.22-24of the study material ) , design an English lesson (30 to 40 mins )using one teaching resource (an online video), and evaluate your implementation of the lesson. (the online video is already chosen: 6:26 mins long,titled: Hong Kong Vacation Travel Guide | Expedia) A worksheet with answer key for the video is also attached. (Please also edit it as an attachment for the essay ,Edit the format and or content of the worksheet.) Guided questions and notes: Write an essay of about 1,500 words in which you: • explain why you used the selected teaching resource? • describe briefly how you employed the resource in an English lesson? • critically evaluate and reflect on the design of the resource-based lesson and its implementation. Reflect on: – To what extent did the teaching resource fit the intended objectives and teaching strategy for the lesson? – How did the students respond to the resource? Did the resource help to promote student learning? If so, in what way? What evidence do you have to justify your judgements? – Did the students’ responses provide useful feedback to you? If so, in what way? If not, why? – How would you improve the design of the teaching resource? – How would you improve the use of the teaching resource in the lesson (Please just assume that the lesson has been implemented)


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