1. On page 114 of the text, Belasen discusses “merger mania” and the recent tren


1. On page 114 of the text, Belasen discusses “merger mania” and the recent trend of health care providers to merge and consolidate. In no more than 3 pages, discuss the positive and negative impacts of mergers on organizational reliability. You can use the 4 E pneumonic: Empowerment, Ecosystem, Effectiveness, and Efficiency to organize your response. 2. The text lists the following as factors as barriers to higher-quality healthcare:
○Silo mentality
○Lack of teamwork
○Cross-subsidies in reimbursement
○Outcomes and cost-effectiveness data
In no more than one paragraph each explain why the factor is a barrier to higher quality care and what steps you would take as a healthcare leader to address that factor’s impact on quality of care.


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