Week 4 Discussion: My Ideal Study Environment Videos shared in class https://www


Week 4 Discussion: My Ideal Study Environment
Videos shared in class

Review tips on your ideal study environment.
Complete the discussion using the following steps:
Step One: Assess your current study environment.Jot down a few notes about where you usually study and complete your coursework. (During my lunch break, in the evening after production meetings for my second job, and early in the morning before work at 8:00.)
Step Two: Review the following article:Brooks, A. (2019, February 25). 7 Tips to Create the Perfect Study Environment for You. Rasmussen College. https://www.rasmussen.edu/student-experience/college-life/study-environment-tips/
Step Three: Describe the ideal study environment for you.Consider location, time of day, sounds, smells, snacks, seating, and privacy.
I like to have my essentials with me when I study – a large 64oz cup of ice water, my laptop, my Apple headphones playing anime or podcasts in the background, and some cereal and milk as I prefer not to eat while studying. My room smells like the Bath and Body Works maple bourbon scentedy bed is always made, and if it’s cold, I cover wall plug-in. Mup while I study. I also have a pad or book, highlighters, pens of different colors for note-taking and studying.
Step 4: Provide an example of at least two positive changes you’d like to make for optimum learning.In your responses to your classmates, comment on how your analysis is similar or different. Share any tips that could help your classmates improve their study environment. (I want to find more time in my busys schedule to get assignments done whilemmanting my work comitments and my podcast and talk show, also i wnat to work more towards get enoough rest as i say up late workign on my school and work for pesoanel stuff/hobbies
At the end of the week, post a brief summary of your observations and learnings from this discussion.
Initial Post (200 – 300 words): Due Friday @ 11:59 pm
Response Posts (at least two; each 75 – 100 words) and Summary Post: Due Tuesday @ 11:59 pm
If citations are included in your post, include references using APA style.
Guidelines for Online Discussions
Grading CriteriaInitial post (50%)Posted on time and to required length. Addresses the topic of the discussion. Provides personal insights, thoughtful reflection, supporting examples and references. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Response post (30%)Responds to 2 or more students. Responses provide additional insights and/or raise questions that require reflection. Shares multiple points of view. References are listed in the required style. Tone is professional.
Summary post (10%)Provides meaningful summary and response. Demonstrates reflection and further analysis. Supports statements with citations and references.
Grammar and mechanics (10%)No spelling or grammatical errors. Clearly and succinctly expressed thoughts.


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