I have included one source. There should be 7 more sources. Make sure you read t


I have included one source. There should be 7 more sources. Make sure you read the instructions very carefully The final research paper will draw from topics and issues covered in course readings/assignments, journal articles, and other scholarly sources. Students must choose a topic of their own interest about the African American experience (e.g., education/schools, housing, politics, culture/arts, employment, neighborhoods, economics, etc.), with specific research and relevance to Cleveland. Papers that have a statewide, national, or international focus; or papers that address the experiences of anyone other than African Americans in Cleveland, will not receive credit. Research for the paper requires students to identify and utilize legitimate scholarly sources to support the thesis and develop the content of the paper. Each student will formulate a thesis and write a clearly written, well-researched, organized, and coherent paper based upon this thesis. FINAL RESEARCH PAPER: INSTRUCTIONS The Research Paper consists of two assignments. Both assignments are required to gain full credit for the final research paper. Each assignment must be completed, or the student will receive an “F” on the Research Paper regardless of the quality of the writing. • ⋅ Assignment 1: Draft Introduction, Detailed Outline, And Draft Reference Page (please refer to the assignment instructions on Blackboard) • ⋅ Assignment 2: Final Research Paper FINAL RESEARCH PAPER: EXPECTATIONS + GRADING CRITERIA
Your research paper will be graded upon and must meet all of the following criteria: • ⋅ 2,000-2,500 words • ⋅ 8-10 pages (not including title or reference pages) • ⋅ A minimum of eight (8) legitimate reference resources, at least six (6) of which must be sources other than reading materials assigned in the course • ⋅ APA style format for references and citations. • ⋅ High quality writing style, with correct grammar; free of typos and errors The final paper should match the following format: o ⋅ Introductory paragraph(s): Clearly present the research question or argument/thesis of your paper o ⋅ Quality evidence from legitimate reference sources to support your thesis; o ⋅ Critical, relevant analysis of the topic that connects the evidence and the thesis; o ⋅ Organization and integration of information with logical development of the thesis; o ⋅ Conclusions and recommendations for future development, e.g., public policy, research, community action; FINAL RESEARCH PAPER: RESOURCES Students are required to use a minimum of eight (8) legitimate reference resources, at least six (6) of which must be sources other than course textbooks and other reading materials. 1. Legitimate reference resources include the use of scholarly journals/articles, books, data cited from databases (i.e., U.S. Census, etc.), and reports (i.e., United States General Accountability Office, etc.). Citations from Internet sources that are merely web pages constructed by individuals airing their personal views are unacceptable sources. However, legitimate websites accessing refereed academic journals/reports (i.e., articles published in The Urban Institute, Journal of Urban Affairs, etc.) are legitimate resources. 2. Utilization of information/data or articles found on websites such as Wikipedia is not acceptable. One way to determine if a website is acceptable or not is to ask yourself, “If the Internet did not exist, would I be able to find this article in the university library?” Sources with “dot com” and/or “dot net” suffixes are not legitimate and will not count toward your eight sources. If you do use such sources, they must be in addition to your legitimate sources. FINAL RESEARCH PAPER: PAPER FORMAT AND SUBMISSION REQUIREMENTS The format and content of your assignment must be consistent with the publication manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition (2010), including the proper acknowledgement of all quotes and other attributions of facts or ideas using parenthetical citations and a “reference” or “works cited” page. Plagiarism will result in a failing grade for this assignment. Your paper should demonstrate mostly original writing (“your own words”) with a reasonable incorporation of direct quotes. Your assignment should include a cover page stating the title of your essay, your name, and your CSU e-mail address. Include “Running head” at the top of your cover page, followed by a capitalized, shortened version of your title, which will continue to appear at the top of subsequent pages. No abstract is required.


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