“Each deals with a different Region discussed in this course. You are expected t


“Each deals with a different Region discussed in this course. You are expected t

“Each deals with a different Region discussed in this course. You are expected to write a MINIMUM of 4 full pages, single-line spaced, broken into an Introduction, Body, and Conclusion to
your response. It is crucial that you support your answers with proof’ from Handouts, lecture notes, your digital documents, documentaries, personal assignment research, and the debates we’ve had in class. Of particular importance is
your ability to DIRECTLY link the readings to your answers and opinions. Your Conclusion is amongst the most relevant parts of your essay.”
Kwame Nkrumah “Capitalism is a development by refinement from Feudalism, just as Feudalism is a development by refinement from Slavery. Capitalism is but the gentlemen’s method of Slavery: ” Set the location for this quote, discuss its relevance in both the Pre- and Post-Colonial context as applied to its geography, geopolitics, and events since 1957 for most countries in the region, and add how YOU interpret current world market forces driving the area backward instead of forward.
This assignment is about Kwame Nkrumah the pan Africanist and the question surrounding him above. Please focus on him and address the question about him above. Try not to go down rabbit holes that lead to more information then needed for this assignment. I want you to really link Kwame’s efforts to reshape Africa to the past, present, and future, these are called linkage, and it’s really fundamental to this essay. Please use the provided slide below for more information but also seek for more information from books or the internet BUT NOT CHATGPT! Directly link what is provided in the slides to Kwame and the essay as a whole. focus on his politics and how he shaped Africa and don’t dive to deep or really at all in his personal life since that is not the topic of this essay. you do not need to use sources embedded into this essay but please do check your sources to see if they are credible.
“YOU interpret current world market forces driving the area backward instead of forward.” also please address this question from your point of view and not another point of view. Please be specific in answering this question and link it back to what makes sense and is appropriate to link to this whole essay and Kwame.


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