Gather and review basic data from a community partnership (coalition, grassroots


Gather and review basic data from a community partnership (coalition, grassroots organization) about the populations served, problems addressed, and area served – usually this is defined as counties ore regions). NOTE: You must include the url for the community partnership website and show the landing page on the first slide. Identify the problems being addressed. Describe the primary community partners who are listed as participating. Describe coalition/partnership’s mission, values and leadership
Describe how the coalition/partnership uses technology/social media to inform the community about its work; provide at least 3 examples Are there representatives from the focused population participating (i.e., if it’s a domestic violence coalition, survivors should be members of the coalition)
Evaluate the pros and cons of joining this coalition based on the reading in Ch. 6 Incorporate appropriate animations, transitions, and graphics as well as speaker notes for each slide. The speaker notes may be comprised of brief paragraphs or bulleted lists and should cite material appropriately.
This is a PowerPoint presentation – a maximum of 5 slides.


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