For your formal research argument, you will select a topic, from the provided li


For your formal research argument, you will select a topic, from the provided li

For your formal research argument, you will select a topic, from the provided list, that is of
interest to you, which you can develop a strong hypothesis/thesis statement around. In other
words, you, acting as a researcher, will develop a research question, which you speculate the
outcome of through the research process. A research paper argues a point about a specific
hypothesis/question/stance you are taking.
Using primary and secondary sources are an integral part of the research process and complete
research paper. Papers which fail to use sources will not receive a passing grade. You are
required to use eight sources for this paper. Six must be scholarly sources. The other two can be
pop sources of your choosing so long as it pertains to your research topic. Scholarly sources
used cannot be published before 2017. Pop sources must be no more than one year old.
You will research, outline, analyze and interpret research, develop a hypothesis/thesis, connect
the research you’ve read about to your own hypothesis/thesis, and discuss your findings.
Remember, when writing a research paper, you’re not simply summarizing or reviewing
information that you have discovered. You are to take a stance on an issue. As you go through the
beginnings of the research process, keep in mind that this is meant to guide you to a discovery of
what you hoped to uncover, possibly even leading you to unexpected information. You will be
provided with a list of potential research topics to choose from. These will be rather general,
enabling you to develop your own hypothesis. Your final paper will be 6-8 pages
I already submitted a research proposal to my professor I would like it to be reviewed so it can match the research paper and give an idea of my vocabulary.  so you can match my writing style. 


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