Answer each question in atleast 7 sentences. No chat gpt, AI, or rewording AI. A


Answer each question in atleast 7 sentences. No chat gpt, AI, or rewording AI.
Amy is 63 years old. She is suffering from severe osteoporosis. Her mother suffered from severe osteoporosis at a young age. She is in pain at times and, at those times, has difficulty completing her activities of daily living. Her husband lives at home with her and assists her with her needs. She is not very active due to the pain in her back and legs. She has been advised by her physician to start a new diet.
1. Why is it important for you to understand and apply biological, psychological,
sociological, and nursing theories of aging when planning care for Amy?
2. Amy is suffering from severe osteoporosis? What factors could cause this
patient to be suffering from this painful disease, at such a young age?
3.Amy does not like to be pushed to make drastic changes in her life? What changes
need to occur to improve this patient’s quality of life?
4. You are thinking about things to do to help this patient improve her quality of life? How
could you improve the outlook for this patient? She views growing old as very negative and debilitating.
What can you do to encourage this patient?
5. Her husband enables her to not be active? He waits on her and gives her anything she
needs and wants. What steps can her husband take to encourage her to be more independent?
6. How can you help Amy meet the psychosocial challenges she is facing?


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