READING AND RESOURCES Resources and Tech Help These links are provided for those


Resources and Tech Help
These links are provided for those who would like extra assistance with unit concepts or technology needs.
PowerPoint Design Information
Design your slides. (n.d.). Microsoft Support.…
Adding Audio to your PPT
Add or delete audio in your PowerPoint presentation. (n.d.). Microsoft Support.…ASSIGNMENT DETAILS
Unit 6: Presenting Your Work to Stakeholders
Outcomes addressed in this activity:
Unit Outcomes:
Justify a project’s development, final results, and lessons learned.
Practice professional communication with a combination of voice, visuals, and written words.
Course Outcome:
IT599-3: Critical and Analytical Thinking: Apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review.
Your project should wrap up this week with a presentation aimed at stakeholders plus a second item chosen from a list; communication of your excellent work is an important step! All students need Microsoft Word and PowerPoint to complete this final assignment.
Assignment Instructions and Requirements
First Steps
Wrap up anything that you can complete (per your plans) and refer to your previous documentation for ideas as you develop a presentation.
Part 1 – PowerPoint with Audio: Explaining your Project to Stakeholders
Your presentation is for stakeholders, some of whom will not be technically savvy, so keep that in mind when you are explaining your project. Focus on value to the end-user and the concepts explored in previous assignments.
The slide deck must have a minimum of 9 slides, as explained below. Read all instructions carefully before beginning this assignment.
Content requirements:
Cover slide:Your project’s name
Your first and last names
The date (could be just the month and year)
Client name if appropriate to your project
Content slides:Create 1–2 slides for each of the following, and present them in this order:Project summary: Include why the project was needed
Cost overview: Major cost areas
Schedule explanation: Main milestones and timing
Development and completion: Show parts of your diagrams or screenshots to show how the project progressed. If the work is available for review online, include the URL.
Lessons learned: Explain what went very well and what could have been done better.
Training: Briefly describe training the end-user will need to effectively use your project’s results. While some technology might seem intuitive (not needing training), consider that “training” can also mean a FAQs page, user responsibilities (such as you might find in an Acceptable Use Policy), or any documentation that would be logical to share with end-users.
Final slide:Your name and contact information (PG email is sufficient)
Audio requirements:
Content:Explain the content on the slides. Do not read the slides.
Prepare a transcript before recording.Retrieve the transcript template and ensure that the audio matches the transcript when you submit your work to the Dropbox.
Audio is not required for the cover or final slide.
Technical:The audio must be of your own voice.
Record at a reasonable volume and without background noises.
All slides between the cover and final slide must have at least 40 seconds of audio. Note that long pauses of “dead air” will not count.
Add the audio to each slide separately.
Design requirements:
Use a PowerPoint theme — not just black text on white background.
Do not apply slide transitions or text animation.
Adhere to good design principles:Simple fonts, not too small, and not all-caps
Light/dark contrast must be adequate
Colors must not be overly bright
Avoid constantly changing slide designs; make the content far more important than design.
Place the audio icon in the same general location on each audio slide, but not on top of text.
Ensure all imagery/visuals are relevant to the project, not just to add color or use up space.
Do not set the presentation to run automatically; give full control of the slides and the audio to the person viewing the presentation.
Check the Reading for links that will help in understanding PowerPoint with audio. You might also like to check the Unit 5 discussion for recommendations and ideas provided by classmates and your instructor.
Part 2 – Additional Documentation
Choose one of the following kinds of documentation that best matches your project’s needs. If you feel a different kind of document would be more useful, ask your instructor for permission before completing this part. Items not on this list and not pre-approved by the instructor will not earn points.
User’s Guide or Manual
Administrator Instructions
Troubleshooting Guide
FAQs for end-users
Marketing brochure
Company newsletter explaining the project
Company policies regarding the project
Content and Formatting requirements:
This must be completed using Microsoft Word. Either find a suitable business-style template or ensure that your work looks appropriate for the workplace. This must not look like a school paper.
A minimum of 300 words is required.
Screenshots are encouraged where appropriate.
Additional Parameters
All parts must be completed using your critical thinking and knowledge gained throughout the program instead of the direct use of source materials.
Any resources necessary for the project’s completion (such as vendors, tutorials, open-source materials, etc.) should be identified by name and full URL.
Proofread your work for grammar, spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and formality. While first-person writing is allowed and logical in parts, limit it where possible.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Name your PowerPoint presentation with the following convention:IT599-Presentation-LastName-FirstName (using your own name).
Name your Audio transcript Word document with the following convention:IT599-Transcript-LastName-FirstName (using your own name).
Name your Part 2 Word document with your last name and a description.Examples: Smith-FAQs or Gonzalez-UsersGuide
Make sure you read all instructions carefully and review the grading rubric before submitting to the Dropbox for Unit 6 Assignment.
You are expected to be the sole author of your work and that it is not copied from sources, as plagiarism will not be tolerated. In accordance with the University’s academic integrity policy, your assignment will be automatically submitted to Turnitin. Plagiarism of words, ideas, images, or other intellectual property violates the University honor code, and any offense may be subject to disciplinary action. For more information on University’s plagiarism policy, refer to the current University Catalog.
Review the Unit 6 Assignment Rubric before beginning this activity.
The audio transcript must be submitted in the given template and the presentation must be in .pptx format to earn points for this assignment.
Unit 6 Assignment Dropbox
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Rubric Name: IT599 Unit 6 Assignment Rubric
Criteria 1Level III Max Points15 points
Level II Max Points
12.75 points
Level I Max Points
10.5 points
Not Present
0 points
Criterion Score
Design Requirements, and Cover and Final Slides
● Uses a PowerPoint theme and follows design principles. Does not use slide transitions or animation. The PPT is not set up for automatic playing.
● Includes the required cover slide content.
● Provides contact information on the last slide per instructions.
● Uses a PowerPoint theme and follows most of the given design principles. Does not use slide transitions or animation. The PPT is not set up for automatic playing.
● Includes the required cover slide content.
● Provides contact information on the last slide per instructions.
● Uses a PowerPoint theme and follows only some of the given design principles. Might use slide transitions or animation. The PPT is not set up for automatic playing.
● Includes the required cover slide content.
● Provides contact information on the last slide per instructions.
Does not meet this criteria.
Score of Design Requirements, and Cover and Final Slides,
/ 15
Criteria 2Level III Max Points25 points
Level II Max Points
21.25 points
Level I Max Points
17.5 points
Not Present
0 points
Criterion Score
Project Summary and Cost Overview (including audio)
● Creates 1–2 slides to describe the project summary.
● Creates 1–2 slides to provide a cost overview.
● Includes audio of at least 40 seconds on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content is explained, not just read.
● Creates 1–2 slides to describe the project summary.
● Creates 1–2 slides to provide a cost overview.
● Includes audio on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content might include some reading of the slide OR audio length for at least one slide does not meet requirements.
● Creates 1–2 slides to describe the project summary.
● Creates 1–2 slides to provide a cost overview.
● Includes audio on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content includes some reading of the slide AND audio length for at least one slide does not meet requirements.
Does not meet this criteria.
Score of Project Summary and Cost Overview (including audio),
/ 25
Criteria 3Level III Max Points25 points
Level II Max Points
21.25 points
Level I Max Points
17.5 points
Not Present
0 points
Criterion Score
Schedule Explanation and Stakeholders (including audio)
● Creates 1–2 slides to provide a schedule explanation.
● Creates 1–2 slides for a stakeholder list.
● Includes audio of at least 40 seconds on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content is explained, not just read.
● Creates 1–2 slides to provide a schedule explanation.
● Creates 1–2 slides for a stakeholder list.
● Includes audio on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content might include some reading of the slide OR audio length for at least one slide does not meet requirements.
● Creates 1–2 slides to provide a schedule explanation.
● Creates 1–2 slides for a stakeholder list.
● Includes audio on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content includes some reading of the slide AND audio length for at least one slide does not meet requirements.
Does not meet this criteria.
Score of Schedule Explanation and Stakeholders (including audio),
/ 25
Criteria 4Level III Max Points35 points
Level II Max Points
29.75 points
Level I Max Points
24.5 points
Not Present
0 points
Criterion Score
Development and Completion, Lessons Learned, and Training (including audio)
● Creates 1–2 slides illustrating development and completion of the project.
● Creates 1–2 slides to describe lessons learned.
● Creates 1–2 slides to explain training.
● Includes audio of at least 40 seconds on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content is explained, not just read.
● Creates 1–2 slides illustrating development and completion of the project.
● Creates 1–2 slides to describe lessons learned.
● Creates 1–2 slides to explain training.
● Includes audio on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content might include some reading of the slide OR audio length for at least one slide does not meet requirements.
● Creates 1–2 slides illustrating development and completion of the project.
● Creates 1–2 slides to describe lessons learned.
● Creates 1–2 slides to explain training.
● Includes audio on each slide; the voice is the student’s own. Slide content includes some reading of the slide AND audio length for at least one slide does not meet requirements.
Does not meet this criteria.
Score of Development and Completion, Lessons Learned, and Training (including audio),
/ 35
Criteria 5Level III Max Points35 points
Level II Max Points
29.75 points
Level I Max Points
24.5 points
Not Present
0 points
Criterion Score
Part 2: Additional Documentation – must be chosen from this list or pre-approved to earn these points
● Creates a User’s Guide or Manual, Administrator Instructions, Troubleshooting Guide, FAQs for end-users, Marketing brochure, Company newsletter explaining the project, or other pre-approved documentation.
● Writes at least 300 words.
● Presents this information in a suitable business-style format.
● Creates a User’s Guide or Manual, Administrator Instructions, Troubleshooting Guide, FAQs for end-users, Marketing brochure, Company newsletter explaining the project, or other pre-approved documentation.
● Writes less than 300 words.
● Presents this information in a suitable business-style format.
● Creates a User’s Guide or Manual, Administrator Instructions, Troubleshooting Guide, FAQs for end-users, Marketing brochure, Company newsletter explaining the project, or other pre-approved documentation.
● Writes less than 300 words.
● Presents this information as a school paper or otherwise inappropriate for the workplace.
Does not meet this criteria.
Score of Part 2: Additional Documentation – must be chosen from this list or pre-approved to earn these points,
/ 35
Criteria 6Level III Max Points15 points
Level II Max Points
12.75 points
Level I Max Points
10.5 points
Not Present
0 points
Criterion Score
● Presents the audio transcript document complete and matching the spoken content in audio. ● Writing has few if any errors.
● Presents the audio transcript document complete and matching the spoken content in audio. ● Writing has few if any errors.
● Presents the audio transcript document complete and matching the spoken content in audio. ● Writing includes some errors or informality.
● Presents the audio transcript document complete but some parts might not match the audio files.
● Writing includes errors or informality.
Does not meet this criteria.
Score of ● Presents the audio transcript document complete and matching the spoken content in audio. ● Writing has few if any errors.,
/ 15
TotalScore of IT599 Unit 6 Assignment Rubric,
/ 150Overall Score
Level III127.6 points minimum
Level II105.1 points minimum
Level I1 point minimum
Not Present0 points minimum
Rubric Name: IT599_2006D_-3
CriteriaMastery5 points
4 points
3 points
2 points
1 point
No Progress
0 points
Criterion Score
IT599_2006D_-3: Critical and Analytical Thinking: Apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review.
Student work indicates the ability to apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete the entire activity.
Student work indicates the ability to apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete most of the activity.
Student work indicates the ability to apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete more than half of the activity.
Student work indicates some ability to apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review, and use the knowledge gained to successfully complete some but less than half of the activity.
Student work indicates little ability to apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review, and use the knowledge gained to attempt the activity.
Student work demonstrates no understanding or progress towards achievement of this outcome.
Score of IT599_2006D_-3: Critical and Analytical Thinking: Apply best practices and recent theories to support implementation, modification, and review.,
/ 5
TotalScore of IT599_2006D_-3,
/ 5Overall Score
5: Mastery4.5 points minimum
4: Proficient3.5 points minimum
3: Practiced2.5 points minimum
2: Emergent1.5 points minimum
1: Introductory0.5 points minimum
0: No Progress0 points minimum
Associated Learning Outcomes
Assessment Method: Overall Rubric Score
Required Performance: 0: No Progress
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Wrapping Up!
You are almost done with your program! What are your plans after graduation? Please share your current career aspirations (job, certifications, more school, etc.). Remember to share only that with which you are comfortable posting.
This discussion only requires one post — your answer to the question above — posted within the Wednesday-through-Tuesday boundaries of the unit. Write at least 100 words in this post.
Additional rules:
Write your own descriptive subject line for your initial post — not your name, course or unit number, or the title shown above for this discussion. Labeling content is an important step in workplace documentation.
Write your posts entirely in your own words, without quoting or copying from sources.
Posts must demonstrate respect for others and use a professional (formal) tone.
To earn points, all of the parameters above must be met. No partial points are given.


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