Style chosen is (Gothic cathedral ) Brainstorm an original idea for an architect


Style chosen is (Gothic cathedral )
Brainstorm an original idea for an architect

Style chosen is (Gothic cathedral )
Brainstorm an original idea for an architectural project.
Which architectural style (or which two architectural styles) do you prefer out of all of the options, and why you chose it/them?
Discuss an original idea for a type of building or structure in your chosen style which serves a need in the community.
What is a need you know about in your community?
The need could be for basic necessities, such as food, shelter, health care, transportation, etc.; it could also be for other important needs such as green space, arts, literature, education, socializing, recreation, etc.
Who is the main constituency (group of people – or perhaps domestic animals or wildlife) that your architectural design is designed for, and why did you decide on this constituency?
How will you incorporate your chosen architectural style into your design, and why do you think your chosen architectural style works well with the community need your design addresses?
Where you would create your architectural design, generally (center of a city, suburban area, rural area, park?).
Specify details of your architectural design (building(s), outdoor structure(s), a combination of both), and reflect on why you decided on this design.
What materials will you use in your building(s)/structure(s)?
Will you prioritize locating/using sustainable materials/energy in your project?  If so, why and how?
What will your building(s)/structure(s) look like, generally (its appearance)?
Exterior: How many stories? What are the main exterior details?  Will the relationship to nature be important?  If so, how?
Interior:  Will your building(s)/structure(s) be accessible to people of various abilities?  If so, how?  Do you envision an open plan or many smaller spaces?  What about colors?  Lighting?  Will the relationship to nature be important?  If so, how?
Conclude with a reflection on how your design (exterior and interior) addresses the community need you identified.


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