Write a THESIS-driven essay of approximately 350 – 500 words in which you explor


Write a THESIS-driven essay of approximately 350 – 500 words in which you explor

Write a THESIS-driven essay of approximately 350 – 500 words in which you explore, analyze and discuss the impact Siddhartha’s most important teacher had on him:  You may choose ANY ONE TEACHER:  Kamala, Kamaswami, Gotama, Vasudeva, the River,  Siddhartha’s son, or Govinda.  Explain how this teacher impacts Siddhartha’s lifestyle, how Siddhartha  changes while with this teacher, what Siddhartha focuses on during this time, what he learns to do, any realizations he has.  How does this teacher impact Siddhartha’s well-being?  Does Siddhartha stay with this teacher or does he leave?   Why?  Quotes from the novel are required.
Please make sure your final essay is in MLA format, and please be sure to include at least three quotes from the text to support your essay response.
The link to the story for this essay is DOWN BELOW:


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