Essay on the Short Story:  A Visual Literary Analysis on Faulkner’s “Barn Burnin


Essay on the Short Story:  A Visual Literary Analysis on Faulkner’s “Barn Burnin

Essay on the Short Story:  A Visual Literary Analysis on Faulkner’s “Barn Burning”
Overview: Write a five-paragraph essay that focuses on a close reading of the visual imagery of fire in the text by deconstructing these symbolic patterns in the text: power, liberation, and identity. There must be a clear introduction, thesis, body paragraphs with in-text citations, and a conclusion. The paragraphs should be arranged based on the order of importance based on those three representations of the fire. There must be a clear conclusion that sums up the importance of the essay. Focus on the differences in Abner’s and Sarty’s ambitions that is used to create the visual imagery of fire through these three precepts. Keep in mind that Sarty seeks liberation from his father’s corrupt world while Abner wants to be liberated from the constraints of social class. Both seek self-expression apart from societal expectations, yet Sarty’s pursuit of power over his life and his wisdom are the guiding forces leading the flames to freedom, while the flames of identity lead Abner towards the path to destruction. Look for patterns based on the imagery that is symbolic of power, liberation, and identity to analyze in the three body paragraphs. You will be required to write the essay in MLA format with one inch margins, 12-point font in Times New Roman, a running head with your name, the professor’s name, the class, and the date, a creative title that is centered, a header with your last name in the left-hand corner of the page and a header with page number in the right-hand corner of each page, and five paragraphs that are indented ten spaces. Cite directly from the text as follows: (Faulkner pg.) The paragraphs should include five to ten complete sentences. Each body paragraph should focus on one main idea: liberation, power, or identity that are tied to the imagery. You may also include allusions to the visual rhetoric from the discussion on the “Barn Burning”.
On Structure: There must be an introductory paragraph with a thesis at the end of the paragraph, three body paragraphs in a chronological order of importance, and a conclusion. The topic sentence of the introductory paragraph should present an intriguing overview of the purpose of the paper that is an attention getter. You may ask a question, state an anecdote, or an adage. There should be two or three sentences of background context that identifies the author, the title of the work, the genre, and the setting in connection to the visual analysis of the various constructs of the fire in the text. Then, present an overview of the main idea of each body paragraph in a chronological order of importance in three sentences. There should be one sentence summing up the main idea in each body paragraph. Define any terms and only cite if it is necessary to explain a concept. These points should lead into the thesis. The thesis should explain the purpose of deconstructing the visual imagery surrounding the image of the fire based on the representation of power, liberation, and identity in the text through a comparison and contrast of Sarty’s and Abner’s motivations in connection to societal and political constructs in the text
Next, arrange the three body paragraphs in the order of importance you see best based on power, liberation, and identity.
The body paragraphs should be structured as follows: There should be a topic sentence that transitions from the last paragraph using a complex sentence that connects the main idea in the last paragraph to the present idea. The topic sentence should emphasize various representations of the fire through an exploration of power, liberation, or identity in connection to Sarty’s and Abner’s differing views of societal and political constructs. Next, there should be one or two sentences that focus on the background context leading to the first claim. The context should assess either the setting, an aspect in the plot, or characterization that ties into the first claim. The first claim in the paragraph should present an opinion, fact, or belief based on the nature of how the fire is tied to liberation, power, or identity. Then, cite an example of visual imagery from the text in one sentence. Lead into the quote by either describing the setting or by stating who is speaking. Then cite after the sentence as follows: (Faulkner pg.). Analyze the citation by summing up the meaning of the quote. Then, dissect the symbolic representations of the visual imagery in connection to the fire. You may also allude to the visual rhetoric in image of the barn burning from the discussion from week one in connection to the scene from the story ou are focusing on. Reiterate the imagery that stands out and explain the symbolic or thematic representation tied to the imagery based on the claim. Bring in other examples of these symbolic patterns in the text to support your claim. This should be two to three sentences in length. Then, state another claim based on how the imagery ties into the comparison and contrast of Sarty’s and Abner’s ethical motivations based on their perception of societal and political constructs in connection to the precepts of liberation, identity, or power that is tied to the image of the fire. Focus on how identity politics can be associated to the imagery here. Cite an example from the work. Lead into the quote and cite as follows: (Faulkner pg.). Analyze the meaning of the quote. Then, explain how the quote proves your claim. Focus on the visual imagery in the text that can be tied to the various meanings of the fire that Faulkner paints through this comparison and contrast of ethical views and values. Explain how This should be two to three sentences in length. Explain how the driving forces behind the ethical and moral motivations in the text are both tied to and set apart from social status and power. Explain how these points are still relevant in our world today based on Sarty’s journey to find wisdom and hope in a world of racism and discrimination. This analysis should be three to four sentences. You may include references to organizations or movements in our world today. Cite any examples. Then, conclude by summing up the main idea of the paragraph. Follow this formatting for all three body paragraphs.
Finally, conclude the essay. The topic sentence should sum up the importance of an exploration of the visual imagery tied to the symbolic representations of the fire. Then, sum up the examples and illustrations you gave in the three body paragraphs to support your claims. There should be no citations in the conclusion. Explain the life lessons and values the reader can learn from your contribution to scholarship. Indicate the value of the visual analysis through your interpretation.
Purpose of the Genre: The purpose of the genre is to find visual patterns that uncover hidden symbolic representations of the fire in the text that are used to deconstruct the character’s motivations. A comparison and contrast of visual imagery based on these contexts will emphasize the complexity of Faulkner’s style through an analysis of the stylistic devices he uses.
Audience: The essay should be written using a formal style for a scholarly audience. The reader should be able to visualize the various ways Faulkner paints the fire through the dynamic changes in Sarty’s characterization, as he strives to lead a life of his own, in comparison to his father’s corrupt portrayal based on the quest for identity, power, and liberation in the text. By evaluating the imagery that is used to symbolize the fire in realistic ways, the reader will come to a greater understanding of the author’s intentions for the central image in the text that drives the plot. Based on an emphasis on the visual imagery of the fire in the text in connection to these precepts, the reader will attain a graphic understanding of the significance of the many uses of the central visual symbol in the text.
Goals: The essay should highlight how societal and political conflicts should be resolved based on an evaluation of the imagery tied to the fire in plot. The imagery from the painting should be tied to the analysis of the imagery in the plot. The essay should explain how peaceably resolving such societal and political constructs is still relevant in our world today. The aim of the paper is to focus on the driving forces behind the ethical and moral motivations that are both tied to and set apart from social status and power. This is shown through Sarty’s portrayal as a young boy who becomes a symbol of freedom from traditional societal and political structures tied to racism and discrimination through the central image of fire in the text.
the one source required for the essay is Faulkners Barn Burning 


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