Issue: How Does Technology Impact Child Development in Education? The increasing


Issue: How Does Technology Impact Child Development in Education?
The increasing integration of technology in educational settings prompts significant debate regarding its effects on child development. Supporters cite potential benefits such as enhanced learning capabilities and access to information, while critics highlight drawbacks like reduced attention spans and impaired social skills.
Suggested Sections
Literature Review
Conclusion and Implications
Formats and Requirements
Cite articles and research papers to support your opinion.
4-6 pages; size 12; New Roman Times; double-space.
APA reference style. 
Clearly identifies and summarizes main issues and successfully explains why/how they are important or create problems; and identifies embedded or implicit issues, addressing their relationships to each other.
Accurate and sufficient evidence contents throughout
Evidence/experts’ opinions are questioned and interpreted thoroughly
Sophisticated awareness of assumptions and content: Thoroughly analyzes own and others’ assumptions and carefully evaluates the relevance of contexts when presenting a position.
specific viewpoint is imaginative, taking into account the complexities of an issue. Limits of position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis) are acknowledged. Others’ points of view are synthesized within position (perspective, thesis/hypothesis)
Identifies audience and offers sophisticated connections
Conclusions and consequences are logical and reflect the student’s informed evaluation and ability to place evidence and perspectives discussed in priority order.
There are very few or no mechanical errors, and there is an inviting, fluent style created through sophisticated vocabulary. Follow APA styles accurately.


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