Assignment is worth 25%. make sure to work throughly. write a 3-5 page review. T


Assignment is worth 25%. make sure to work throughly.
write a 3-5 page review. The assignment should be double spaced, size 12 font. If you are making reference to other material, please use a referencing style such as MLA or APA. 
I do not want a summary of the book. The review should explain the key arguments of the text and relate them to course content. Think about how the work contributes to a broader understanding of justice and how this relates to the operations of systems of oppression as well as the various ways the text tackles such issues. Make sure you read the book which you can find online or on perlego. Make sure to use in text citations from the book. Make sure to include a works cited as well. 
Book: Dylan Rodriguez. 2021. White Reconstruction. Fordham University Press. 


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