Strategy Planning (100 points) Review SV2030 and relate the strategic plan to th


Strategy Planning (100 points)
Review SV2030 and relate the strategic plan to the four common elements in successful strategy planning. For each element, analyze if the element meets the criteria. Clear, consistent long-term goals
Profound understanding of the competitive environment
Objective appraisal of resources
Effective Implementation
After analyzing SV2030 consider how to measure success. Which two of the six performance measures do you think are the most useful indicators of how the transformation is measured? Is the transformation successful?
I have already answered the question, but I require assistance with references and in-text citations. I will provide the course book and a website that needs to be sourced, and I need you to find at least two scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles.
– Please you this PDF document for any citation or referee related to the Saudi Vision 20230 (… ) or please use this site ( )
I have attached the book. The topic for the assignment can be found in chapter two.
Additional sources that are recommended, in addition to peer-reviewed articles:
– Richard P. Rumelt. (2022). Getting strategy wrong—and how to do it right instead. Retrieved from McKinsey Quarterly.
– Bernard Marr. (2022, August 16). 13 Easy Steps To Improve Your Critical Thinking Skills. Retrieved from Bernard Marr & Co. (seminal)


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