In this discussion you will present two effective RTI (Response-to-Intervention


In this discussion you will present two effective RTI (Response-to-Intervention) and/or EBP (Evidence-based-practices) strategies. You can do 2 of EBP or RTI or 2 of either one of the topics.  Your discussion should reflect best practice as found in the literature and not a personal preference. Your posts do not have to be long but complete enough that others can understand the intervention or strategy and how it is used. Cite the literature you reviewed supporting your position.
RTI and EBP cover a lot of territory. Obviously, you could not cover the entire area of responses in these topics so focus your posts on a specific element(s) of RTI or EBP such as the state of the literature in these topics, issues and problems with some element of RTI or EBP or issues with implementation of RTI or EBP. Please free to focus on any elements of EBP or RtI that you find interesting.
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