Watch season 1/Episode 3 of The Fosters Watch Wolf, M. (2023). Chapter 7: The Be


Watch season 1/Episode 3 of The Fosters Watch Wolf, M. (2023). Chapter 7: The Beginning Phase. [Video]. Recorded lecture in D2L. Watch Wolf, M. (2023). Chapter 8: Qualitative Family Assessment. [Video]. Recorded lecture in D2L. Read *Rooney et al. (2017). Chapter 10: Assessing Family Functioning in Diverse Family and Cultural Contexts (pp.240-282). In Direct social work practice: Theory and skills. Cengage Learning. Assignment/s Due: FOR EACH RESOURCE: Please discuss at least two interesting concepts or facts that you learned from each resource, as well as the general meaning of that resource. You are also free to reflect on any critical thinking you had about that resource. THE MINIMUM LENGTH NEEDED FOR FULL CREDIT IS AT LEAST 5 SENTENCES PER RESOURCE. Everything should be in your own words, and every resource should be cited in-text as well as a reference list. THEN ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS. Discuss the following in your initial post: Discuss the presenting problems of this family. How might the family define their problems? How is it different than yours? In her video, Dr. Wolf discussed the case of a client who had gotten a DUI. Discuss the case, and how she handled it. Discuss how you might have handled it similarly or differently with the Foster family. Discuss Maslow’s Hierarchy in terms of each Foster family member. Where would you put each of them on the hierarchy? Discuss two qualitative assessment techniques that you could use with the Foster family and how they would be helpful to you and them when working together. Why did you choose those two?


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