1-What form of human trafficking takes place in that country? 2-Describe in det


1-What form of human trafficking takes place in that country?
2-Describe in details the victims.
3-How are the victims recruited?
4-Who are the perpetrators? 
5-What is being done to combat the problem?
Provide a comprehensive reflection of your critical thoughts on the topic at hand.
For in-text citations and referencing, you must use the APA formatting style
The total required word count makes it about 2 pages in length. Please make sure to use the word count feature in Microsoft Word to ensure you meet the minimum requirement regardless of the number of pages.
It should be typed in Calibri or New Times Roman (12-point font) and double-spaced
Turnitin similarity score. If your score is higher than a 20%, fix your paper, and resubmit it. Papers with scores higher than 20% will be penalized. 


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