James is a fourth-grade classroom teacher whose homework policy is that homework


James is a fourth-grade classroom teacher whose homework policy is that homework

James is a fourth-grade classroom teacher whose homework policy is that homework for the week goes home on Friday and is due no later than the following Thursday. He emphasizes that it is the students’ choice to do it or not and it can be submitted early, but if homework is not completed and handed in by Thursday, they will serve detention during one recess period. Chris is an excellent student who always finishes his work on time and correctly. He is a sensitive and dedicated student who strives hard to please. One Wednesday, Chris is sick and out of school; the following day, Thursday, he forgets to bring his homework to class. This is the first time Chris does not have his homework. He could give Chris a day’s extension for being sick, though this is not his normal policy and has not be done for anyone else in the past. James also knows the thought of serving detention is devastating for Chris. James has to decide what to do.
Question 1: List everyone who would be affected by James’ decision. Think carefully and do not limit your focus to just Chris.
Question 2: What options are available to James? Again, think outside the box of yes/no. Explore possible alternatives or even conditions to his decision even if they have not been mentioned here. (There are more than 2 options so be sure you have more than 2 answers here.)
Question 3: What do you think James should do? Why?
Question 4: Would your answer change if this student was in twelfth grade rather than fourth grade? Why or why not?
Question 5: Are there circumstances in which there are exceptions to rules? What are some of these reasons?
Question 6: If an exception is made for the excellent student who was sick, does the same exception apply to all students including the ones who did not have an excuse other than they just did not want to do it? Why or why not?
Question 7: Sometimes, how you present things can make a difference in how others react. If James did not refer to this as “detention” but instead called it something such as homework make up time, how would this change things?


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