After completing the reading named “Why is Public Health Controversial?” (found


After completing the reading named “Why is Public Health Controversial?” (found

After completing the reading named “Why is Public Health Controversial?” (found in Module 2 under the Learning Activities Modules) you will need to answer the question in this discussion and respond to two of your fellow classmates. Review the different parts of this discussion before continuing on.
1. There are three main reasons for controversy in public health:
Infringing on citizen’s “individual liberties”
Because it causes an “economic impact”
Because it goes against our “moral and religious beliefs”
2. Choose one of the above examples (individual liberty, economic impact, or moral/religious beliefs
3. For your Discussion Board Post – Discuss how a public health effort (comprehensive sex education, controlling the COVID-19 pandemic, wearing seatbelts, smoking bans, etc, etc, etc) is controversial. Are people’s moral and religious beliefs challenged with comprehensive sex education for example? Are we infringing on individual liberties when making people wear masks, etc, etc.


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