Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was one of the most celebrated and influential com


Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was one of the most celebrated and influential com

Antonio Vivaldi (1678-1741) was one of the most celebrated and influential composers in all music history. You will be listening to, and analyzing two different musical works by Antonio Vivaldi (––You will listen to and analyze both violin and orchestra concertos). The first selection is a violin and string orchestra concerto titled “Spring,” from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. The second selection is a violin and string orchestra concerto titled “Winter,” from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. Each of these violin and string orchestra concertos from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons is in three movements (–– As written into your coursework readings, a Movement is a musical piece that sounds complete in itself, but is part of a larger composition. There is usually a small pause between each Movement during concerti and symphonies. Most Baroque concertos have three Movements: The first movement is usually fast, the 2nd movement slow, and the last movement being fast again – usually in a dance movement tempo). Listen to each entire concerto (both the Spring and Winter concerti) before making an analysis. Please view the following video and answer some of the following questions:
Please view this Video before attempting your Discussion Board post writings. Please listen to all three movements of this violin and string orchestra concerto titled the “Spring” concerto from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. (NOTE: The Spring concerto’s 1st movement runs from the video beginning until “3:50” timing mark. The Spring concerto’s 2nd movement runs from the “3:55” –– “6:22” timing mark. The Spring concerto’s 3rd movement runs from the “6:30” –– “10:34” timing mark). See the following Video Link: “”.
Please view this Video before attempting your Discussion Board post writings. Please listen to all three movements of this violin and string orchestra concerto titled the “Winter” concerto (NOTE: The Winter concerto’s 1st movement runs from the “10:50” until “14:14” timing mark. The Winter concerto’s 2nd movement runs from the “14:18” –– “16:01” timing mark. The Winter concerto’s 3rd movement runs from the “16:02” –– “19:20” timing mark). Listen to the entire “Winter” concerto from Vivaldi’s Four Seasons. See the following Video Link: “”.
(Discussion Board Credit: up to “10–Points”. This Discussion Board Post written in Two paragraphs, –– on the single Discussion Board Post submission).
In your analysis, please include all the following:
Instrumentation (––For each concerto). Try to provide an educated guess as to which instruments are featured in this performance.
Tempo (––Provide tempo markings for each of the Concerto’s Movements. You can use vernacular terms, such as fast, or slow, or medium-fast, or you can employ actual musical terms such as Allegro, or Andante. Please refer to your class readings ).
Which instrument(s) are featured on the main melodies (––Be specific ).
Dynamics (––Provide dynamic volume analysis for each of the Concerto’s Movements. You can use vernacular terms, such as loud, soft, or medium soft, or medium-loud, or musical terms such as Forte, Piano, or Pianissimo. Please refer to your class readings ).
Which stylistic period do these concertos belong to? (––e.g.: The Classical Period? The Baroque Period? The Renaissance Period? Provide an educated answer based on your course readings).
Programatic Music (––Programmatic music is music associated with a story, idea, scene, or a pictorial representation. It is usually music that carries extramusical representations) characteristics. Example, do you hear bird chirpings in the short trills during Spring concertos’ 1st movement? Can feel the coldness and frigid quality of the melody during the Winter concertos’ 1st movement? (––Provide specific examples).
Did you like, or did not like what you heard? Why? And or why not? Be specific and provide examples (––Avoid General statements such as, “I find the music boring”, or “the music not interesting”, etc. Again provide specific examples of why, or why not you enjoyed the music. Examples may include connotations and or experiences that the music brings to your mind, or that maybe you have heard this music before or similar music before, etc.)
Please Post One Original Discussion Board writings submission based on Videos assigned for the Asynchronous class meeting days, see syllabi class calendar. Please refer to your Canvas LMS Calendar for all Discussion Board Posts due dates.
Your Original Discussion Board post must be between 350 and 500 words total. Sydney_Opera_House(1).jpg
NOTE: You will not be able to view other student’s Discussion Board Post writings until you create and submit your original Discussion Board Post. Please do NOT “PLAGIARIZE” (e.g.: copy-and-paste from anywhere) any contents that are not your original writings. (In accordance with the course syllabus, any PLAGIARISM will embody immediate failure in this class, and the student will be expelled from Miami Dade College. Please see your Miami Dade College student handbook:


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