Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi


Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to thi

Please provide an answer that is 100% original and do not copy the answer to this question from any other website since I am already well aware of this. I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Hi, I just need someone to respond to the following 2 student discussion posts which I have provided below in 1-2 Paragraphs Each Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages. Also, I have provided the original discussion prompt that the reply was referring to. I have provided an example of how to reply to a student to give you an idea of how to respond to a student discussion response. I also will provide the initial discussion response once you are selected to work on the question.
In your response to classmates, comment on which of their ideas about collaboration with others were the same as or different from the ideas in your own post. Look especially for new ideas that you had not written about in your initial post.
To complete this assignment, review the Discussion Rubric.
Reply to two different classmates outside of your own initial post thread in 1-2 paragraphs each Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference PagesWhat to Submit
Your discussion posts must follow APA formatting guidelines. For formatting information click here to access the Shapiro Library’s APA Citation Guide.Discussion Rubric
CriteriaExemplary (100%)Proficient (85%)Needs Improvement (55%)Not Evident (0%)Value
ComprehensionDevelops an initial post addressing the prompt, and the post shows an organized, clear point of view or idea using rich and significant detail; supports ideas by referencing course materialsDevelops an initial post addressing the prompt, and the post maintains a point of view or idea using adequate organization and detail; supports ideas by referencing course materialsDevelops an initial post that somewhat relates to the prompt, and the post includes gaps in organization and detailDoes not develop an initial post40
TimelinessN/ASubmits initial post on time (100%)Submits initial post one day late (55%)Submits initial post two or more days late (0%)10
EngagementProvides relevant and meaningful response posts with clarifying explanation and detailProvides relevant response posts with some explanation and detailProvides somewhat relevant response posts with some explanation and detailProvides response posts that are generic with little explanation or detail30
Writing (Mechanics)Writes posts that are easily understood, clear, and concise using proper citation methods where applicable with no errors in citations and no major errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntaxWrites posts that are easily understood using proper citation methods where applicable, with few errors in citations and some minor errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntaxWrites posts that are understandable using proper citation methods where applicable, with a number of errors in citations and many errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntaxWrites posts that others are not able to understand and does not use proper citation methods where applicable; submission has errors related to grammar, spelling, or syntax throughout20
Student Replies That Needs to Be Responded to:
post 1 : chanice
Human service professionals are individuals who are trained to provide support, resources, and services to people in need. These services can include assistance with medical care, mental health care, housing, employment, and other areas. Working with other professionals who are tasked with the same duties as human service professionals in the same agency is essential to meeting common goals. Collaborating with non-professional helpers, such as volunteers, can also provide a significant boost to the human services agency. By working together, professionals and non-professionals can provide better care and support to individuals in need.
Human service professionals differ from other professionals in terms of the specific training and education required for their roles. Areas of expertise differ as well: although some professions may have overlapping services, human service professionals specialize in areas such as social work, psychology, or counseling. The roles of human service professionals range from providing direct care to individuals to managing and implementing programs and policies. Social workers and human services professionals can typically anticipate finding jobs in the same kinds of organizations: state and local government departments, non-profit groups, as well as religiously affiliated missions serving the community (Human Services vs Social Work: What’s the Difference? 2017)
Non-professional helpers, such as volunteers, have a lower level of training and experience than human service professionals. While their roles may often overlap, the types of work performed by non-professionals differ from those performed by professionals in the sense that volunteers are able to provide less specialized and less comprehensive services. Human service professionals are legally bound to operate within boundaries and limitations. Non-professional helpers can perform more informal support but are not legally bound to such restrictions. Nonetheless, both human service professionals and non-professional helpers strive to provide their best efforts to meet individuals’ needs.
Human Services vs Social Work: What’s the Difference? (2017, April 7). WFU Online Counseling.…
Gabrielle post 2;
How are human services professionals similar to and different from other professionals who work in the same agency?If you were to look at a list of positions at a mental health, or chemical dependency office or even social services there are different positions. Each specializing in something different. They all have a common goal which is to aid those in need. For example, social services have someone who assists with housing, SNAP benefits, health, and workforce development. They differ as to what they specialize in, but all have the same goal to assist where they are needed.
How are they similar to and different from non-professional helpers (e.g., volunteers) who work in the same agency?As someone who has worked in the human services field since she was 18, I learned a massive difference between the professionals and non-professionals. Professionals can aid with treatment. One of the most important roles of a human service professional is brokering or referring a client to another agency or service (Woodside.) Professionals help with treatment and care planning to assist a consumer’s needs. As for the non-professionals, I think they are just as important. My experience with working with non-professionals has been eye opening. Often these non-professionals/volunteers are people who have been in their shoes. These non-professionals do not look at them as patients and help them guide them and integrate them back into a community. How to manage what they are going through and how to keep a positive outlook on it. When I worked as a counselor, I learned that my volunteers made a huge impact on my consumers that they too can get their life back.
What could you do to work collaboratively with both other professionals and non-professionals in the agency?The combined effort of many voices has the power to facilitate change (Woodside.) If we all work together to come up with treatment plans together, we have a better success rate. I have always been pro monthly staff meetings. If you can all meet each month, you can find ways to work together. A schedule where consumers can have aid from a professional and guide them and their treatment, and guidance from volunteers to reintegrate consumers successfully to the community so they do not feel singled out based on their issues. While I worked with treatment plans and SPOA referrals with my past consumers, I could never be that common ground to communicate one on one and completely understand them and what they been through without the help of volunteers.
Woodside, M. R., & McClam, T. (2018). An Introduction to Human Services (9th ed.). Cengage Learning US.…
Original Discussion Prompt:
In your textbook, you read about human services professionals and other professional helpers who work in the same setting. How are human services professionals similar to and different from other professionals who work in the same agency? How are they similar to and different from non-professional helpers (e.g., volunteers) who work in the same agency? What could you do to work collaboratively with both other professionals and non-professionals in the agency?
Example of How to Respond to a Student Discussion Post
Hi Nita,
I like how you discuss both the teacher observing the student and the student observing their own art. You bring up excellent points about the teachers observing the children, because it does help the teacher to better communicate with the children and understand them better. As teachers, it is very important to nurture students, particularly if they are very young, I think, because it allows them to better understand the needs of the student, and how to work with them. Paying attention to what the student is drawing, and seeing how the student reacts to their own work can improve the teachers’ understanding.
Expressing feelings in this discussion board reply examples is a major component of growing up. The more a student is able to express those feelings, the more they can understand them. I liked reading about what you said on this topic, and I agree that the art is a very useful tool that students can learn to express their feelings effectively. If they do not express them, they are keeping them inside, and drawing can become a form of counseling for them. In my opinion, I think the drawing can be particularly useful for many students who are quiet. These students do not often express themselves verbally, and drawing can be a way for them to understand their feelings, and to release some pent up sadness of hostile feelings, for example. I think this form of therapy sticks with many people throughout life, and they continue to use drawing as a coping mechanism.
Requirements: 1-2 Paragraphs Each Student Reply Times New Roman Size 12 Font Double-Spaced APA Format Excluding the Title and Reference Pages
Please be sure that the answer comes up with way less than 18% on Studypool’s internal plagiarism checker since anything above this is not acceptable according to Studypool’s standards. I will not accept answers that are above this standard.
No AI or Chatbot! I will be sure to check this.
Please be sure to carefully follow the instructions
No plagiarism & No Course Hero & No Chegg. The assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.
Please be sure to include at least one in-text citation in each paragraph(s).
Please be sure to use at least one credible or scholarly source published within the last 5 years.


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