Using the suggested outline below, give a detailed research presentation on Mito


Using the suggested outline below, give a detailed research
presentation on Mitochondrial trifunctional protein (TFP) deficiency You
should employ scientific
sources/literature including review articles in your
research and be sure to use the AMA
format. It should be detailed, comprehensive, well-organized
and should have the appropriatelanguage for scientific communication.
– Introduction
– Epidemiology
– Etiology
– Types/ Classification
– Signs/ Symptoms
– Normal and Abnormal Biochemistry
– Pathologic Features/Genetic Basis of Disease
– Laboratory Features
– Differential Diagnosis
– Management/ Treatment
– Complications
– Prognosis
– Current/ Future Research (Including Clinical Trials)
You should research thedisease extensively using at least 5
peer-reviewed journal articles or textbooks. Be sure to use the
suggested outline for your presentation. Refer to the
grading rubric for a breakdown of the points allocation. The presentation has a
10 minute time limit. There should be at least 10 citations all in AMA format.


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