Paper 1: Analysing Adam Smith Your task is to write a two to three page paper e


Paper 1: Analysing Adam Smith
Your task is to write a two to three page paper explaining the logical steps in Smith’s analysis of one aspect of society.
• Choose one of the themes below, and use it as the title of your paper.
• Your task is to explain Smith’s theory. You should not express your opinion (especially if
choosing questions 6, 7, or 8). Focus on Smith’s logic.
• Use the outlines provided on the Powerpoint slides to help you:
– In your introduction, define and briefly discuss the term you are writing about, before outlining your paper as a whole.
– In your first body paragraph, explain Smith’s premise – sympathy or self-interest (not both). – Then move step-by-step to show how he deduces first, the actions of individuals; second,
social structures and laws; third, broader conclusions about how society operates. – Remember to connect every step of the argument back to Smith’s basic premise.
• In the past, students have typically found questions marker with an *asterisk to be more difficult, but you will not be given extra credit for attempting a harder task.
1. What produces the emergence of the division of labour?
2. How does morality develop?
3. What causes social conflict between classes or ‘orders’?
4. *How are the wages of labour set?
5. *How do individuals develop a sense of self?
6. *How do societies develop economic infrastructure such as roads, bridges, etc?
7. *What is the effect of government support for national businesses & industries?
8. *Should the government provide education for the people?


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